yush~ first day of the karate training summer camp with Kato Sensei. He's scary but awesome. He kept hitting the blackbelts if they didnt get stuff right the first time and shouting "you STUPID-!!" but he's a really nice guy still, he talked with the little kids and stuff, he's just deadly serious when it comes to karate X3 The morning was training in the school hall in Dungarvan when we had lunch... and UGH I had to share a lift in John's car with Valerie who has downe(sp?!) syndrome who i can't stand. I dont think you can go to hell for hating people like that. THEY'RE THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE AFTER ALL~ >:D I just really. But as I was standing outside Hanley's waiting she lit up a cigarette and since I never take photos & and it's hard to take photo's at certain times anyway I illustrated the event:
First thing i thought was I NOW HAVE ANOTHER REASON TO HATE YOU then I realised it may well be a brilliant plot to kill her off before her time what with the swimming an all and I thought SMART. On the way home she asked to see my iPod which meant she wanted to use it >:l AOI-chan is MINE and i hand it over to very few. Mostly people who like the same music as me. She didn't get the message though and she kept asking for it until I had to give in. Then she obviously didn know how to work it and ended up in settings and then asked me to 'fix the volume' >C
so i put it on Clever Sleazoid and put the volume up to full >D MYAHAHAHAHAHA~ even if I go to hell, it'll be worth it just for that. I know I'm a bastard okay?
Food to go was hard to come by. This is me standing in front of the fridge which is completely bereit of Innocent Smoothies:
Anyway afterwards we went to the beach for the rest of the training. Denis and John told me lots of stories about the various Sensei they trained under. I always really admire people with lots of talent they worked hard to build *w* Kato Sensei might scare me a little but I think he's awesome! >w< So we trained and it was really fun to train out in the open on the sand like that *w* my rival-chan who punched me in the face at the competition fufufuu~ she has no idea I'm plotting her annihiliation for next year +_+ Some people stopped to watch us and at one point some kids came down and were like "COOL- SEA NINJAS!!" XDD damn fuckin' straight ==+v
Again Kato Sensei was like hell on the blackbelts but we did lots of cool moves >w<
We got to take him back to the town and i was all *o* I even forgive him for smoking though he coughed quite a bit and that always makes me sad. Like I said, anyone with serious hardwork and talent backing them automatically becomes an idol of mine and just like my rivals I never forget them XD John told me not to tell him I love practially everything Japanese cause appartenly he loves people who are interested in Japan >w<
I want to talk to him but I feel so hopelessly inferior XD John says he even makes the blackbelts feel like two inches high XD But liking Japan is good common ground l3
eeettoooo.... oh yeah, he bent down and waved in the window of the car to me as he left X3 alot of the high level sensei can't even SEE low belts but Kato Sensei doesn't act like that :D Denis says he goes way out of his way to be generous :3 Denis also couldn't help but laugh when Kato Sensei shouted "WHAT D'YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" at him cause he says it like a country man XDD
Of course I still think Brian Sensei is made of awesome aswell X3
One more half day to go :D I can't wait >w< ~