Title: George? George! Part 2
Pairing/Characters: Cal Sci Students and Ian…
Rating/Category: PG
Word Count: 214
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, nope.
Summary: George gets into trouble…
For White_sin
Note: Conference Wives - George Arc
The ROTC was quick to report the appearance of the Really Scary Guy.
The chaotic neutral elf mage leader of the gaming club rolled his divination dice pool and as he did not botch, claimed the Really Scary Guy was coming to help and would bring about a swift and appropriate end to their quest to rescue George.
Members of the Sherlock Holmes Society and the CalSci Trekkies both claimed this as illogical, especially since the Really Scary Guy was carrying a duffle bag that radiated ominousness.
The Really Scary Guy stepped onto the Quad and surveyed the scene.
Students of all varieties were spread around the grounds.
Psychology students in one corner were debating whether or not fichus could develop Stockholm syndrome.
Some physics undergraduates had waylaid Dr. Fleinhart and were attempting to distract him from realizing the direness of the situation and prevent him from contacting Dr. Eppes.
Botany majors were disputing whether or not the positioning of George in the photographs meant that he had sustained damage to him limbs.
The student government association watched the Really Scary Guy as he approached their table.
Ian examined the student government association
Ian extended a hand to the president of the SGA. "My name is Ian. I'm here to help."