Title: George? George! Part 4
Pairing/Characters: Charlie, Isaac and the Plant-nappers
Rating/Category: PG
Word Count: 409
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, nope.
Summary: George gets into trouble…
For White_sin
Note: Conference Wives - George Arc
Charlie and Isaac were out in the front yard, pulling dandelions and being distracted by the patterns within the flowers.
A taxi cab pulled into the drive and four students came piling out of the cab carefully carrying a zebra printed object.
Isaac looked at them cautiously and scampered to the front porch. Charlie glanced back at Isaac to make sure he was safe before walking over to the students.
“Can I help you?”
“Dr. Eppes!”
“We’re sorry and there’s a really scary guy and.”
“We meant nothing by it!”
“Just a prank before finals!”
“We took some pictures with him!”
“He’s okay, we promise!”
Charlie took a deep breath and tried to calculate the most likely explanation for the students’ panic.
“Okay, you took pictures of a really scary guy and now he’s after you?”
“No! We….” They removed the zebra print fabric. “took George.”
Charlie looked back at Isaac on the porch. “Ah, then you have probably upset Agent Edgerton.”
The students thrust the fichus at Dr. Eppes, hoping that returning it to its rightful owner would result in the disappearance of the Really Scary Guy so they could safely return to their dorms.