Title: Not in his Hideout?
Pairing/Characters: Don, Charlie, Isaac
Rating/Category: PG
Word Count: 182
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, nope.
Summary: Don comes to talk to Charlie…
For Wolverine_gal who wanted Ian to get in trouble and Charlie to rescue him…
Note: Conference Wives
Charlie was still standing in the front yard with George in his hands and a length of zebra fabric over his shoulder when Don arrived.
“Hey, Charlie…nice…wrap?”
“Ummm, the students who borrowed George without permission disguised him with it.”
“Yeah, more homework, buddy. They need it… listen, is Ian here?”
“Well, no, he left early this morning while Isaac and I were making breakfast. Didn’t come down for coffee.”
“Do you know where he was going?”
“No…but I think I know where he is…”
“Don’t say anything. Just… go back in the house, okay. No matter who comes to see you, don’t let them in unless they are with me, okay?”
“Don, what?”
“Charlie… I got a call… they’re pretty sure Ian sniped Penfield at the mental hospital this morning.”
“No, Charlie. Don’t say anything about what you might know about this, okay? I want you to stay out of it.”
Charlie looked at Isaac on the porch.
Isaac looked at the man who saved the world and wondered why he thought he needed to save the world from Agen Eggtown.