Title: Predators, Just as Dangerous Series: Conference Wives Author: Dance the Code Disclaimer: Own nothing, this is fanfic Spoilers: None Word count: 456 Summary: Charlie is in trouble…
Thank you for the new fic. I had just reread all your previous postings in the Conference Wives series and was hoping to read more in this 'verse. Merry Christmas!
*giggle* I absolutely adore Charlie's thought processes. And can so clearly visualize him running with Smith and Wesson on his heels.
The CalSci tunnels!! So much potential with those and I never see anyone use them in fic. (my undergrad had old tunnels, very cool until they finally very securely blocked them off).
Comments 4
The CalSci tunnels!! So much potential with those and I never see anyone use them in fic. (my undergrad had old tunnels, very cool until they finally very securely blocked them off).
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