Title: A Little Help Series: Conference Wives Author: Dance the Code Disclaimer: Own nothing, this is fanfic Spoilers: None Word count: 330 Summary: Ian is in some trouble… and still mad about it
eeeeekkkkkk~!!!! You're continuing this :) I still love this 'verse :D Love that cooper laced the coffee as a precaution and can't wait to see how this pans out :D
I have so enjoyed the Conference Wives series.ext_1877949May 28 2013, 22:56:29 UTC
I only started with Numb3rs a couple of months ago and fell in love with the whole thing. Ian managed to edge out all the rest in Sniper Zero and I started to look for fic with him in it. Can't understand why there isn't more. Finding this was wonderful. I read the whole thing in a few days.
Have to admit I was sceptical starting the George arc. I mean, a ficus? Really? But I am loving this. Thank you for continuing the story as you have time.
After reading about the ROTC taking George on maneuvers, I was suddenly struck with the following flyer that just won't go away.
Announcing the First Annual Paint Gun Tournament! Sponsored by the G. H. Ficus Blog, this event is open to all CalSci clubs. Teams must have at least 5 members. Prizes are available in many categories. The grand prize will be having George as an official member for the next year. Sign up now, before it is too late and you may get the official George endorsement for your club for the next year!
Comments 6
More please ;D~!!!
Have to admit I was sceptical starting the George arc. I mean, a ficus? Really? But I am loving this. Thank you for continuing the story as you have time.
After reading about the ROTC taking George on maneuvers, I was suddenly struck with the following flyer that just won't go away.
Announcing the First Annual Paint Gun Tournament! Sponsored by the G. H. Ficus Blog, this event is open to all CalSci clubs. Teams must have at least 5 members. Prizes are available in many categories. The grand prize will be having George as an official member for the next year. Sign up now, before it is too late and you may get the official George endorsement for your club for the next year!
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