what the hell?? u did NOT make that up! that thing was invented the the computer was invented!! and u think its all cool that they wanna copy you-w/e!! u wish! ur so stupid!! and idc if neone in hte whoel world tells me off evryone who ISNT your friend(and that really narrows it down) thinks that u try to show off and think your the best at all sports just because your moms the freaking coach! eyah well dont get your hopes up-good luck! maybe your THREE best friends can back you up while i have ALOT more than three and u say you cant live without them! whatever! thats bullshi* right there! your probably just using them because you have like NO friends! go ahead and delete this comment-i could care less you probably already nkow whot his is but oh well!!
actually no i dont use them.. unliek you would. back off. this is stupid shit. im sick and tired of it. if your mad at me... then you must not REALLY know the whole story. so dont be coming and telling me all of your shit. and i have mainly 3 best friends... but i still have a lot more friends. duh.... ur all gay so juss fuck off. you little bitch. and do you think that i can help that im the coach's daughter?? noo i dont. and i KNOW that i cant do everything and i KNOW that im not the best. but you know what?? i dont care what you say because i will always keep on trying and at least i dont slack off in athletics and i may not be skinny... but i sure can do sports and i sure can run.. and i go jogging everyday.... soo ill have to say that once school starts.. that ill be even better. so you better keep your mouth shut... dude.. ask ashley or tanya.. they would know. your probably juss all fucked up sitting on the computer all day long. anyways... nad yayaya.. go say w/e u want. all i know is that cassy "brainwashed" everyone soo no
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