(no subject)

Aug 24, 2004 22:58

Stolen from Hugh's LJ.

What is your favorite..
gum: Winterfresh
restaurant: Bennigans
drink: Turkey Hill Diet Decaf Tea
season: Fall or Spring.
type of weather: cool or warm
emotion: happy
thing to do on a half day: nothing, just lay around the house.
late-night activity: internet, and going out with people til late.
sport: volleyball, and dance (I consider it a sport)
city: not quite sure, haven't been out of the valley to many places.
store: Old Navy

When was the last time you..
cried: I'm not sure, probably like 2 or 3 weeks ago
played a sport: today, volleyball, woot.
laughed: today, at practice.
hugged someone: today at practice (Liz, because she was upset).
kissed someone: never.
felt depressed: 2 or 3 weeks ago, I felt like crap
felt elated: I dunno.
felt overworked: 2 or 3 weeks ago (again)
faked sick: like 2 years ago.
lied: probably today.

What was the last..
word you said: interesting (talking to my brother about the orange flavored white tea he had)
thing you ate: Cheese Its
song you listened to: Rent-Seasons of Love(I just went and turned on my MP3's so I didn't have to say a Christmas song, don't ask why I was listening to Christmas music)
thing you drank: iced tea
place you went to: the high school for practice.
movie you saw: not sure, I think CAMP like a few weeks ago.
movie you rented: CAMP.
concert you attended: uhhhhh, not sure.

Who was the last person you..
hugged: Liz (she was upset).
cried over: o man, I don't know.
kissed: no one.
danced with: people at dance class.
shared a secret with: possibly Sarah Clarke
had a sleepover with: o wow, I haven't been at a sleepover in a while, I can't remember.
called: Katie Finkelstein.
went to a movie with: ummmmm, probably Nina, Sarah, and Hugh, back in May (yeah its been that long)
saw: my family.
were angry with: the stupid freshman at practice.
couldn't take your eyes off of: i dunno.
obsessed over: i dunno.

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: yep yep, and its loads of fun, you should try it some time.
kissed someone: nope.
done drugs: nope, and dont plan on it.
drank alcohol: nope, dont plan on it anytime soon.
slept around: no, thats dirty.
partied 'til the sun came up: not til the sun came up, but early morning, it wasn't real "partying" though.
had a movie marathon: naw.
gone too far on a dare: I don't think so.
spun until you were immensely dizzy: every Monday at dance class.
taken a survey quite like this before: nope, this one was interesting.
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