May 24, 2004 08:18
@ our recital we had a blast!!!!!!!!!! Next year I might do all six dances depending on the schedule!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for dance camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUV YA!!!!!!!!!!
May 21, 2004 07:58
today is our dress rehersal for dance and tomorrow is our dance recital. it makes me sad!
May 20, 2004 21:04
I'm really sad that dance will be over soon! I was really glad when it started and now it feels like it just started not that long ago. Tonight at dance we had a lot of fun and it seemed like Trent was flirting with Jessie and I. GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!
May 19, 2004 08:56
at tech ed gonna have a dance recital on saturday and gotta go!
May 17, 2004 08:26
Just doinaehriahetiuariejhfg;sir
May 17, 2004 08:21
I was going to write yesterday but I ended up babysitting my brother cleaned out my closet last night
May 14, 2004 19:35
While everybody I know is at a school dance I'm by myself at home no one to watch movies with!!!! It's enough to make me cry! Jessie or Jessica or Steph (if you went) Comment me and tell me how it was! Please!
May 14, 2004 07:56
Once more back in tech ed I was really busy yesterday so I couldn't write but a quick summary-I'm grounded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 13, 2004 09:57
Tech ed again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday Ihad an early release and I went to Appletre Nursury and saw a bunch of trucks with my brother and got scratched. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write again after school!
May 12, 2004 08:35
today i'm back in tech ed and i'll write again later