Survey Meme

Dec 13, 2004 16:12

Okay, got this from kiwano, and I figured I'd give it a try, I'll have to look into the whole meme-propagation thing.

1. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? C++ How To Program, Deitel & Deitel

2. WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? Start - 1612Z, End - 1705Z



5. FAVOURITE MAGAZINE? Maxim [The "Cosmopolitan" for Men]

6. BABIES? No.


8. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD? That my brain is malfunctioning, when I can't seem to do what I know I should.

9. FIRST THING YOU THINK OF IN THE MORNING? What Time is it? Can I sleep more?

10. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? Shannon for a Girl, Scott for a Boy, subject to the agreement of whoever is actually giving birth to said children.


12. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE? Most important non-survival item is the support of friends and family.

13. FAVOURITE FOOD? Varies with mood, sometimes I would commit a felony for some Pakoras, or a righteous Burger, or Steak, sometimes I crave Ketchup Chips. My family would probably say that Yorkshire pudding or cheesecake is my favourite.

14. IF YOU COULD PLAY AN INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Electric Bass or guitar, or Drums. My family tends to be talented in music, I just can't muster up the effort to practice.

15. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? Moot point, I don't have a driver's license. I would like to drive fast when/where appropriate, I don't think going 200 km/hr down regular highways is the height of good judgement.

16. SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? I used to (strange construction that), but haven't for many years, he's way too fragile now and half a continent away. I may be getting him back soon, time will tell.

17. STORMS - COOL OR SCARY? I like them, as long as my electronics are unplugged, as long as I'm inside. Outside, I get creeped out. I also don't particularly enjoy getting soaked. That said, I have seen some spectacular storms out on the prairies and out on the wet coast. Joy!

18. WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? N/A - but I'd probably get something gas efficient like a Chevy Sprint or Pontiac Firefly (do they even make those anymore?)

19. THE ONE PERSON FROM YOUR PAST YOU WISH YOU COULD GO BACK & TALK TO? Megan Bunn, My first crush back in grades 4-6.

20. FAVOURITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? Decisions, Decisions: I'm fond of Guiness (favourite Beer), Strongbow (Favourite Cider), China White (Favorite Shot, very smoothe), Merlot (favorite wine type), Kahlua or Amaretto (Liquors), Scotch or Tequila (Hard Liquor), Gin & Tonic (Cocktail).


22. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? Depends on context. If I'm making/serving steamed broccoli I'll eat'em, I chop them up and chuck them in stirfry, I will omit them for florette heavy dishes (think pasta salad).

23. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Independently wealthy. But second place would be researcher/computer modeller at large, with a teaching position (could it be: University Prof at a small Liberal Arts College).

24. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? On advice of Counsel, I decline to answer.

25. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Yes, Unrequited (un)fortunately.

26. IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? Depends on the process last affecting said glass. For a glass presented "sans histoire" I would assume half full.

27. FAVOURITE MOVIE? Depends on the time/context/genre (Most watched: The Abyss, Aliens, Star Wars Trilogy); War Movie: Tie - Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down, close second - Das Boot; Recent Release: Before Sunset, Garden State; Date Movie : Before Sunrise, 10 Things I Hate About You.

28. TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? Not a chance, many times they're on the left keys. Multifinger typist but by no means a touch typist.

29. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? Assorted dust Coyotes (which ate the dust bunnies long ago), empty pop bottles, spiders(?), and litter which should be cleaned up. (Hey, You asked).


31. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT TO WATCH? Women's Gymnastics, Curling (Either Sex), Final Hockey Games of Olympics/Junior Worlds.

32. SAY AT LEAST ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Not sent to me per se but he is generous, enthusiastic, unashamed, caring, and usually cheerful.

33. IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE WHERE WOULD IT BE? Out in the wilds of B.C. preferable within a long commute of ammenities but remote enough I can live in nature. It must have a Library, and a server room with connection to the Internet.

34. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? Any of three T-Shirts: My HH Revolver Club shirt, or either my Black or Gray T-Shirt from Mark's Work Wear World.

35. MOUNTAINS OR CITY? Mountains near a City. I need the occaisonal recharge away from the city but I need access to good Public Transit and book/music stores).

36. TECHNOLOGY OR ART? I'm comfortable making either but enjoy looking at art more.

37. COMEDY OR HORROR? Drama or Action.


39.FAVOURITE TIME OF DAY? Bring on the after-dark.

40. THE LAST CD YOU BOUGHT? Blank. Actually, that's probably the last 100+ CDs I bought. Previous Music CDs - Mel C. "Reason" - Used. New CD - Naomi Streimer - The Demos 2004.

42. WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT, STRONG IN MIND OR STRONG IN BODY? I define myself around my mental abilities, not my physical ones. I would rather be smart and physically weak than below average mentally and built like Brad Pitt in Troy, although the latter would probably net me more "chicks" and would probably be more fun.

43. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Morning? Well, I generally wake when my alarm goes off or just before, or when I'm rested. I've been nocturnal for a few years and on a daylight schedule for others.

44. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE KITCHEN ITEM? Tie: Microwave or my Chef's Knife.

45. WHAT MAKES YOU REALLY ANGRY? Government intrusion upon my/others life. Unresisted erosion of privacy or basic rights.

46. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SPORTS CAR OR SUV? Both suck down way too much gas. Give me a little fuel-efficient commuter.

47. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTERLIFE? I believe in learning/teaching life's lessons. You are here to learn certain things and teach certain things. When it's done, you start again with different things to learn/teach.

48. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SEASON? Fall, it's a time of purification/pruning back, of jettisoning things unnecessary, in preparation for winter.

49. IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE SUPER POWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Flight would be a nifty addition to my talents.

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