So I did that picture meme thing that Dana did the other day, and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. But it was fun, and it forced me to organize (somewhat) the pictures on my computer.
1. a picture of you in your room.
2. a picture with someone you don't actually like.
Stupid Punk Ass kid stepping into my picture with Beauty and the Beast. I'm still bitter some 12 years later!
3. a picture of you very drunk.
The one and only time...
4. a picture of you on your birthday, or your favourite holiday.
5. the youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form.
So the one with Mom is probably earlier, but I thought I'd put two. The only thing better than a day of birth picture would be an ultradound picture. I don't know where that may be.
6. a picture of you in one of your favourite outfits.
I don't really have a favourite outfit, especially one over time, so I was going to make a joke out of this question and then I found this picture. This totally was my favourite outfit in 11th grade. The hair and all.
7. a picture of you making a goofy face at the camera.
8. a picture you miiiiiight have edited to make yourself more attractive.
I don't think I've ever done this. I tend to delete pictures I don't like of me rather than edit them
9. a picture of a night you regret...
Wasting a whole afternoon at a Lions game.... Haha, I don't really regret much that I do and I rarely take photos of my regrets, so there you go.
10. a picture of you truly being yourself.
11. the most recent picture of you.
I know my mom has pictures of me from Christmas, but I don't really feel like going to get them, so this is the most recent picture that I have on my computer
12. a picture of you being absolutely ridiculous.
13. a picture of you showing off a new haircut/color.
14. a picture of a time in your life that's over, but you wish it wasn't.
15. a picture of a time in your life that's over, and you couldn't be more thankful that it is.
16. a picture of you when you were anything but happy...
I don't usually take pictures of myself when I'm all depressed and crying, so this will have to do. I did not, I repeat did not want to dance with Matt at the wedding, and I've heard I was quite the brat that day. But hey, I wasn't even 3 yet, so let's cut Rachel some slack :)
17. a picture of you that you had no idea was being taken.
18. a picture of you when you were a different person than you are now.
19. a picture of you with someone you love.
Guess which one...haha, just kidding :)
20. a picture of how you'd like the world to see you.
I know its old, but this picture best eshibits my pure awesomeness!
21. a picture that describes how you'd like to spend every day.
On the beach...digging a hole :)
22. a picture of a time when everything was changing.
If you look closely, you will see me getting a diploma from the Dean of the Business College
23. a picture that makes your heart hurt.
The last day before everything changed.
24. a picture that makes your heart smile.
He's so pretty :)
25. A picture of one of the best nights of your life. (or day)