Queries, answers and other notions

Sep 05, 2007 22:11

1. What is your character's attitude toward education and learning, either formal or informal?
For all she’s un-fond of structured things, Miki does have a decent amount of respect for educational institutions. This is in large part due to years of having it banged into her head that the only way to keep an open mind is by continuing to cram things into it, and examining them in a thoughtful manner.

2. Does your character like to read? If so, what does he like to read, when, and how?
For the longest time the girl didn’t care to read in the least. Just what was necessary to get by for classes and book-keeping for her parents. It was only when she began touring that she began to appreciate the value of the written word.

3. What are your character's beliefs regarding death and the afterlife?
It used to b a simple belief that this life was all there was, so one had best get the most out of it. Through adventure and forced poking at the spiritual aspects of the world she lives in, Miki might be ready to concede that reincarnation is a possibility. Hell, if a giant space sea urchin cum mystical princess think it is the case, it -has- to be true, right?

4. What does your character believe to be her purpose in life?
Moving, moving always doing. It’s the mantra that runs her life. On top of it is a goodly sum of bardic ethical structure thrown in, so she’s of a mind that it’s her place to take people outside of their normal modes of thought and feeling, usually via performance arts such as music or dance. This does not preclude her willingness to change someone’s perspective via the simple motions of knocking them on their arse.

5. How does your character view the opposite sex?
Not much differently than she views her own gender. They’re other people who just have an annoying tendency to be taller than her own self.

6. What does your character consider to be the most beautiful thing she's ever seen?
The sun rising over the Dead Sea. For all it was creepy as all get out, there’s something to be said for water frozen in mid wave and twisted metal glimmering in the first light of day.

7. What does your character consider to be the ugliest thing he's ever seen?
What was left of a demi-human dock worker after a young man sad that the bloke had made, “Advances inappropriate to his station.” No good all around.

8. How does your character feel about the idea of owning his own home?
It’s something she feels vaguely uneasy about. Miki hasn’t really known much but rental and communal property, and while the latter is very pleasant, she can’t quite convince herself that owning something herself doesn’t imply that one is putting down permanent roots. Her fear of said roots is another thing entirely.

9. What does your character feel most confident about?
Her ability to get people to give her at the very least of an initial listening to. Whether it’s rhetoric, or music, the girl can of a certainty get people to stop, if only for a moment.

10. What does your character feel least confident about?
People taking her seriously. She’s well aware that she has a lot working against her in that respect (being a woman/rock-idol/what-have-you), and as such she can get rather sensitive to tones of dismissive tones of voice and contemptuous gestures.

11. Your character wakes up to find a poisonous spider on his pillow next to his head. What does he do?
Carefully feel about the floor for the glass that is inevitably there, snap it over the spider, take both pillow and glass to the toilet and then dump the spider in. Flushing will occur shortly, and then it’s back to bed.

- How did it get there?
She does reside on a tropical island for the most part. The damned things are likely all over.

12. How far does your character believe he would go to achieve his most cherished goal?
Take a long step off all she knows into scary and unfamiliar ground.

- How far would he really go? As far as was necessary to make something -work-.

13. Someone cuts off your character in traffic, or grabs the last of something your character wants to purchase before he can pick it up. How does he respond?
A quick one finger salute, and she’s off to something else. No point in it keeping one bent out of shape for any real period of time.

14. What character trait most annoys your character when she experiences it in others?
The seeming inability of some folk to take interest in the world around them. Even more so when the only things the seem to be interested in relate directly to themselves.

15. What's the worst injury your character has ever received?
Getting drug along the tops of a coral reef while being pulled along by a rip tide. Half drowning -and- severe lacerations for the win!

16. In what arena is your character most competitive?
Being out on the dance floor. She will be out longer, dance harder and generally look like she’s having more fun than anyone else out there.

17. Does your character feel responsible for anyone besides himself?
Her band, they’re her family, and as such she’s very much of a mind that their problems are as important to deal with as her own. Her traveling party also comes under these auspices. To a lesser extent, she feels responsible for the demi-human population, as it’s not as though anyone else is really willing to take up their cause.

18. What does your character spend her money on?
Stage equipment, sound equipment, stuff for the little ones and general gifting.

19. What's the worst illness your character has ever experienced?
She had a really nasty bout of the flu during the monsoon season when she was fourteen. It nearly went pneumatic, but she recovered a couple weeks later with no lasting side effects.

20. What's the worst illness your character has ever witnessed?
The plague of ‘09. Mites carrying the disease came in with some sailors at the end of the fishing season, and in the close confines of the city the disease spread like wildfire.

21. Has your character ever watched someone die?
Not of natural causes. But adventuring has lead to her witnessing (and being the cause of) several lives ending in a violent fashion. She threw up quite a bit, after the first couple occurrences.

22. Has your character ever been witness to a serious crime?
Does an attempted coup count?

23. How does your character view minor violations of the law?
Honestly, as long as it’s not hurting anyone, she could care less. Jay-walk and flash your titties all you want folks.

24. Does your character have a sense of "personal space"?
Not particularly, no. She’s gone from living with four other siblings and three parental units, to living with the entirety of her band. The former, until recently, being in rather cramped spaces. This has come in handy when catching the last train of the evening, among other instances.

25. Does your character have any artistic talents, such as writing, painting, playing an instrument, or singing? Are they well developed or raw and untrained? Secret or public?
Miki has a hand in much of artistic expression that involves sound. She dances, sings and plays a mean fiddle (violin if one catches her in a rare mood of propriety). Lately she’s taken a turn at lyrics writing, largely inspired by a renewed interest in epic poetry and old ballads.

26. How well does your character handle change?
She thrives on it, whether it be in her personal space, or the world at large. Such a desire to keep things up in the air is in large part what led her to get a flat on Earth in the first place.

27. Does your character enjoy surprises?
For the most part she’s content in them.

28. Does your character tend to follow fads and trends? Does he studiously avoid them? Or does he do his own thing without worrying about it either way?
Given her willingness to take part in rock opera, and much else beside, it’s fairly safe to say that Miki couldn’t be arsed about such things either way. Though if asked, she’ll say she’s concerned with such things only in connection with how much tail it snags her. This is a requisite of keeping one’s Rock n’ Roll license, you see.

29. How does your character approach work? Is he organized and methodical? Disorganized and wild? Energetic and enthusiastic? Lazy and unconcerned? Something else entirely?
Incredibly energetic, and with a strange knack for finding just what she’s looking for in that pile of junk that’s on the coffee table/floor/Nikki/what-have-you. She’s also terribly tenacious about the projects she’s involved in; if she started it, it’s going to be finished.

30. Does your character prefer to adopt the latest technological conveniences, or does he prefer to rely on tried-and-true methods?
While she’s not terribly skilled with much in the way of one would consider modern electronics, she’s willing to give it a go. This has lead to Ren having to reformat her hard-drive three separate times to date.

31. What does your character do, if anything, to take care of and preserve his own health?
Miki is utterly fastidious in her exercise and general care regimen. Stretching and calisthenics follow the first waking of the day, generally accompanied by going through some capoeira forms. The rest is dependent on which day of the week it is, and the climate at the time. She takes vitamins regularly, and prefers the chewie ones.
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