I didn't even attempt to watch The Event. I debated, but Monday there was a ton of stuff on and I told myself that I wasn't going to watch/DVR anything that wasn't well reviewed and/or something that really interested me. The Event met neither criteria.
And Undercovers was also a snoozefest. It was Chuck meets Alias minus any excitement. The leads had chemistry, but that's about all I can say for it.
If I could face adversity with 1/100th of that creativity and strength, I would be very, very glad. Although I would also be possibly less of a jerk about it. People are complicated.
I didn't mind McGarrett too much. I interpreted his smugness as confidence in his abilities which, this being the pilot, would be unknown to us and the support roles. I did like his parting gift to Danno. *shrug* I was shocked at how underused Marsters was, tho. I was hoping that would be a continuing story line and that he'd be a recurring character. He had maybe three lines of dialog! WTF? I'll give it a few more eps and even then I may watch to see The Second Most Beautiful Man in the World (DDK). Grace Park was also underused but we'll see how she develops.
It could well be that the smugness was one of those over-exaggerated character traits that sometimes come out in pilots because they're trying to establish something and shoot too far. We'll see; I'm in for at least a few more episodes.
Comments 8
And Undercovers was also a snoozefest. It was Chuck meets Alias minus any excitement. The leads had chemistry, but that's about all I can say for it.
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