I haven't had a chance to look for icons yet, but...

Jul 22, 2011 14:19

I do feel the compulsion need to talk about True Blood 4.04 - "I'm Alive and On Fire" a little bit, mostly because OMG I cannot believe how adorable Eric Northman, drunk on fairy blood and splashing around in a lake full of alligators, is. I also cannot believe I just typed any of those words individually, much less together in a sentence.

There is something very strange going on with Eric, where he is as adorable as he can possibly be... until the next scene, in which he is EVEN MORE adorable. It's similar to the phenomenon that operates with Pam all the time, where she is as awesome as she can possibly be until the next scene, where she is even more awesome. They are redefining the boundaries all the time.

(And speaking of Pam, Marnie was already annoying enough before she messed with Pam's face. OH NO SHE DIDN'T. It is my fondest wish that Pam kill the shit out of Marnie, like, yesterday. I suspect Pam would feel the same way if she weren't so desperate to get Eric back.)

Other stuff:

* The scenes of Lafayette, Tara, Jesus, and Marnie in the magic shop were disturbingly like an episode of Buffy. Please don't do that any more, show. You are too different otherwise.

* I was very glad to see Jason escape Hotshot, and even more so that he named what had happened to him. But then, there's physically escaping Hotshot, and then there's escaping what Hotshot has turned him into. (Boundaries, again.)

* I love that Sookie's pep talk to to Eric ("You've still got the stars in the sky") so beautifully parallels what he offered her in her dream in Dallas in Season 2, when he was trying to make the case that she'd make a good vampire ("Trade the sun for the moon and stars"), and that neither of them was persuaded by it.

* I also love how, just as Jessica saw the line just before she stepped over it last week when she glamored Hoyt, Sookie lies to Bill for the first time while pointing out she's never lied to him before, trading on that history, and it's all very deliberate and sad, but she does it. Because she doesn't know who Bill is, and never really did. (As a side note, I am having a very hard time pinning down Bill's motivations this season, in a way that is wonderful, because it stems from how all of our assumptions about him, everything we'd learned about him from the beginning of the show, was uprooted at the end of last season--in that, we are right there with Sookie. He'd never seemed political, but he was working for Sophie-Anne all along, and Nan behind it all; so maybe he's incredibly political, and the kingship is a logical step. I absolutely believe that part of his motivation was eliminating anyone who knew about Sookie; but I absolutely don't believe that was his only motivation. And I can also believe, after the cement incident, that he sent Eric into that coven thinking that whoever didn't make it out, that was a win for him.)

* That was a wonderful, mature conversation between Alcide and Debbie, which is why I am 100% sure that Debbie was lying and Bad Things Are Going to Happen.

* Sookie just has the hardest life ever, running around the woods with naked Eric and naked Alcide. So difficult!

Oh you ridiculous, batshit crazy vampire soap opera. I'm so pleased to be posting about a show that is actually still on the air. And now I am also all excited about seeing Kristen Bauer at Dragon*Con, because I like Pam JUST A LITTLE.

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