first, we flew in to denver airport. its supposed to look like the rocky mountains. pretty hot, huh?
then we went to vail. vail is a town in colorado where all the rich snobby people live. we stayed there cos thats where my cousin was gettin married. theyre really really rich. but not snobby. theyre really nice. but they stayed in a 2 million dollar condo there. niiiiice. i got to go inside it and hang out while all the adults got drunk. and my "aunt" jeanette, while she was drunk, said that me and her and my mom and all the other women were going to go naked in the hot tub. LMAO (dont ask me who the guy in the pic is cos idk)
this is the desert in colorado. thats all it looked like for thousands of miles. we had to drive through that for HOURS. i thought i was ganna die.
these are the great sand dunes in alamosa, colorado. i went there. heres what you have to do. you have to drive for about 5 miles just to get to the visitors center. then you have to walk 1/2 mile to the fields (the yellowish part in front of the dunes). then, you have to walk a mile to the actual dunes. by the time you get there all you want to do is go back. then, if you still have energy left, you climb the dunes. i climbed like the smallest one and i was like gasping for breath. these things are HUGE. and its weird. cos theres no water around. its in front of the mountains. it scared me.
another pic of the dunes. cos theyre so fucking scary. they needed two pics to get the effect of the scariness.
ok. this is the colorado national monument. now this was so scary i was literally crying while we were there. ok? cos youre on the edge of a cliff, i mean THE EDGE, maybe a foot away from it. its about a 2000 foot drop to the bottom. oh, and did i mention? THERES NO GUARD RAILS. i was fucking shaking i was so scared. its an amazing veiw. its just too fucking scary. we got out at one of the tourist stops to go to the edge (where they actually had a strong fence so you couldnt fall over), but guess what. there were scorpions. seriously. so much for a fun trip to colorado.
theres another pic of ... that scary place. it makes me scared just looking at it. it makes me scared just saying the name. thats why i have dubbed it ... that scary place.
thats the garden of the gods. its really cool. its all these old red rock formations, and the place is huge. that rock right there is what they call the "kissing camels". do you see the kissing camels?!?!
garden of the gods. purty.
ok. this is called the Broadmoor Hotel. no, i didnt stay there. i wish i did. its a really rich snobby hotel. swear to god, the lowest price per night is $10,000. its beautiful.
pikes peak, CO. freakin huge. 14,000 + feet tall. im so glad we didnt drive up it.
denver mall. i had twenty bucks nad my "aunt" jeanette gave me another twenty when we stayed at her house in denver. so i blew forty bucks there.
and its bakc to the airport for the fly home.