Sex is not the enemy...but female body hair seems to be - LOTS OF TMI but fuck it. Seriously.

Mar 01, 2010 08:56

So the following post is probably going to be TMI. Feel free to scroll past but I'm not cutting. Sorry. I'm a tiny bit too annoyed.

I spent pretty much all night going through all 114 pages of sex is not the enemy. Each page has maybe...20 images? Its a pretty solid mix of all the different kinds of solo and combination, gender norm and gender bending you can think of, including lots of shots of naked ladies in various positions and situations. But you know what i noticed? maybe 1 in ever 20 images of women did the women have pubic hair. And it was only 1 in 50-60ish that didnt have it neatly manicured like they took it to a freaking boutique salon and to this I say what the fuck. You know I watched a History of Porn thing with Katie Morgan on HBO once and she spent a good 2 minutes giggling over the bush in historical videos from the 20s. "Did they not have razors back then" she laughed and I felt fucking nauseated.


I'd like to know right now and I'd like to have a word or thirty with the fuckers. Because idk, I've tried lots of things to do that - shaving, waxing, Jesus i even tweezed. *sighs* I cant do what these girls do. I mean, forget the time consuming nature of the process, it's PAINFUL. And I'm not talking about the possible shaving nicks or the JOY of ripping away wax. No, I'm talking about later. I'm talking about as the hair grows back, so itchy that you can barely think. In grown hairs that ache and get UGLY FAST. Even just a trim makes wearing ANYTHING below the waist so uncomfortable I want to STAB SOMEONE IN THE EYE.

You never see nipple hair on chicks either but guess what? That shit exists too. If you've never dealt with it, lemme tell ya, just a world of suck and shame. I've only seen it mentioned in pop culture once, and that was on Scrubs and it was shameful there too, the point where the woman in question pretty much brainwashed the poor janitor into thinking he'd hallucinated it. The problems there are similar to with pubic hair.

And yet, I look at things that are considered sexy - from porn to the more "alternative" pictures on sex is not the enemy to freaking Lady Gaga in her crazy camel-toe creating outfit for the Grammys and think "I cant do that. I cannot be smooth and sexy like that because it hurts too much."

And then I get insecure. What if I meet someone at a club? It's happened before. What if he wants to touch me. I've had guys go "WTFBBQHAIR?! GROSS!" And I know its not the same if you're in a relationship. Hopefully whoever you're involved with wont mind. Paul didn't after all but I will never forget how often my first boyfriend tried to get me to do it so that it would be "easier for him to go down on me". Nor will I forget the SUPREME act of trust I showed him in letting him try to trim me - which left me itchy and uncomfortable and completely disinterested in touching him for 24 hours because ugh and ew.

It's upsetting and its honestly more crippling for my sexual confidence than my jiggly ass or flabby tummy. Hair, you guys. Hair is the thing I think about before I even consider trying to pick someone up. Have I shaved my legs? Have I plucked everywhere that should be plucked? Am I willing to risk the way he may or may not react to the fact that I'm not shaved?

I'm sick of it and I have no idea how to go about dealing with it. I'm trying for a "fuck me fuck my pubic hair" mentality but I'll tell you right now - confidence? Easier to say than to do x a million. I would like to get the fuck over it though.

f/k, personal

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