Ahh, Throw-Back Procrastination (41 Questions Meme)

Aug 23, 2016 18:41

I'm entirely amused that I used to do these sort of questionnaire things on facebook all the time in college when I was busy procrastinating... And now that I'm getting more active on LiveJournal, I find that they're a thing here, too. So, because I'm stuck not-at-home and feel like killing some time, let's have some fun with '41 Questions'.

1. Are you named after someone?
My middle name (Marva) is the name of my paternal grandmother, who passed away shortly before I was born. Amanda was the only name that my parents thought sounded nice with the rest of my name XP

2. When was the last time you cried?
Gosh. Um, two days ago; I read two fics (both which I'd totally rec) and one LJ post, and all three made me cry. It was an unusual day O.O

3. Do you like your handwriting?
Usually, yes :)

4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
*shrugs* Turkey? I guess? *is boring*

5. Do you have any kids?
No, but now that I'm about to get married, it's all any of my relatives want me to have O.o Ugh.

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Yes? Yes. Maybe. I'd like to think so? But I also kind of think I might think I was a bit of a bitch and might decide to just stay away. I don't knowwwwww.

7. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes. O.O

8. Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes (unless I'm just *really* ignorant of my health history). I also still have my wisdom teeth, and probably shouldn't...

9. Would you bungee?
Bungee jump? Not likely. More likely to skydive if given a choice between the two.

10. What is your favorite cereal?
Cranberry Almond Crunch, by Post. Super pricey though, so I rarely buy it.

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Most of my shoes don't tie, thankfully. And the ones that do... No, not usually.

12. Do you think you’re strong?
Mentally, perhaps. Physically, HAH, no, I'm a weakling.

13. What is your favorite ice cream?
hmm. I really love a lot of flavors of ice cream. Moose Tracks is a top fave... pretty much anything that combines chocolate and some sort of nut... Yeah, I just love ice cream. Period.

14. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
I have no fucking clue, lol. Probably something dumb, like, overall body shape or something. When Jared Padalecki strolled by my dinner table at MinnCon, I recognized him by the shape/silhouette of his hair O.O

15. Red or pink?
Depends on what for, I guess. But I think I'll go with red because it's a primary color; more useful, more bold, more fundamental :)

16. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
Probably my propensity to do nothing when I know I need to do something.

17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
Light blue jeans; no shoes, atm, so, white Hanes socks.

18. What was the last thing you ate?
My 'poor [wo]man's mocha' - work coffee with hot cocoa mix.

19. What are you listening to right now?
The sound of me typing, the fan under my desk, general work noises.

20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

21. What’s your favorite smell?
Hmm. Some faves: a pork roast in the oven, freshly mown grass, lilacs, smoke from a wood stove.

22. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Some cranky person from a bank.

23. What’s your favorite sport to watch?
I like watching [American] football, mainly because it's one of few sports where I actually understand what's going on (most of the time). I really enjoy attending ice hockey games though.

24. What’s your real hair color?
Whatever it is now. (I've never colored it.) So... a lightish brown? Idk, you tell me, lol.

25. What’s your eye color?

26. Do you wear contacts?

27. What’s your favorite food?
Idk, I just like food, okay? GOSH.

28. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending all the way. Love me a good happy ending. (And yes, you can read that with the double entendre and I'll still deem it an acceptable answer XP)

29. Last movie you watched?
Well, I watched like the first five minutes of "What Women Want" the other night... Before that though, it was "Rock of Ages."

30. What color shirt are you wearing?
Some sort of animal print. Leopard maybe? With black.

31. Summer or winter?
Fall is really my favorite, but I guess I'd have to say summer because a) better driving conditions, b) more daylight, c) much easier to go outside spur-of-the-moment.

32. Hugs or kisses?
In general, hugs. Hugs are awesome.

33. What’s your favorite dessert?
So many. We've already discussed ice cream. I just really love sweets, and chocolate, and baked goods, and... yeah. I ♥ dessert in general.

34. What book are you reading?
I'm not, not really. I am deeply immersed in the world of SPN Fanfic, and I may never come out.

35. What is your profile pic?
It's a drawing I made when I decided I needed a profile pic for AO3. And yes, that's supposed to be the Big Dipper, and yes, I know it's backwards. *shrugs* Artistic license? O.O

36. What did you last watch on TV?
Well, I didn't *watch* it, persay, but as I was getting my coffee from the customer lounge, I caught a little bit of Jeopardy and a moment of some random-ass show with, like, a bishop-man in an above-ground pool, with two kids splashing around him... and a llama... I don't even know O.O

37. Favorite sound?
Call of the loon. The quiet/not-quiet of nature.

38. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Beatles. Though in all fairness... I'm not sure I could even name you a Rolling Stones song, so...?!? O.O

39. What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
Not sure which qualifies for most mileage, but it's probably either San Diego, CA, somewhere in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia, Canada, or Key West, FL.

40. Do you have a special talent?
Um, probably? Idk.

41. Where were you born?
Minnesota. Lived there for 10 years, then moved to Wisconsin, then moved back to Minnesota after high school... And I don't really plan to move ever again :)

And oh my, would you look at the time? Time to go HOME! :D Where I will hopefully make some progress on my RBB art and NOT just get sucked into more fanfic reading!! O.O Wish me luck.


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