So, a few people asked if I wanted to write a bit about my studies in Germany. All comparsions will be to the Swedish university system, which I shall simply except you to know. If for some reason someone who isn't a Swedish student has questions, do ask and I shall do my best to answer
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After a lovely long brunch with my classmates (got fresh pancakes, yay!) we went to see the new Tintin adventure. It was really well animated, and the plot was completely decent too, for an adventure movie. I had a bit of a trouble to get used to the English names (Thompson? But they're called Dupond and Dupont! Not to mention Milou...) but
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So I was going to do a nice, well-structured post on the German university system (because some of my former classmates from Sweden were curious) but that will have to wait a bit, since I'm feeling a bit too tired for that right now. My annoying almost-cold is beginning to become a real chest cold, which I am valiantly fighting with the help of
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I've increased my social life with, like, 245% since I got to Berlin. The downside is that when I'm not doing anything, I'm utterly exhausted. I think the evening stuff go down a bit now that university is starting, although I'll certainly try to be active and do something at least once a week. However, I can also feel a marked improvement in my
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Yesterday I kind of reached my breaking point. Or is that boiling point? Anyway, late Monday evening I did a last check of my schedule - in case they'd switched rooms or something. And there I found out that I'd been thrown out of two classes by the online scheduling system, which kind of made me flip my shit a bit. Now, the first class, which was
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Wrote a mail to the leader of the Projekttutorium "Marginalized identities & their representation" asking for further information, but unless I've grossly misunderstood everything I'll sign up and visit this seminar series
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Today I went on the library tour through the imposing Grimm-Zentrum, the brand new (only two years old!) university library that belongs to Humboldt. It's not exactly easy to figure out what to do the first time you enter here, but after an informative tour, I think I'll manage. More or less
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Where did last week go? o.0 I thought, what with language class ending, that I'd have a bit more free time, but a sudden realization that it was my cleaning weekend and I'd signed up for a "How to study in Germany" workshop which lasted all Saturday suddenly made the time seem very short indeed... This week, I'm technically free, but tomorrow will
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