Going home!

Sep 19, 2004 16:17

We're finally going home!YAY! :D

The Hierophant represents the Holy Spirit and connection with Life at a spiritual level. The Hierophant finds comfort and worth with the spiritual side of life rather then the physical. He represents someone who is spiritual or philosophical in nature and one in search of higher truths. The Hierophant also represents tradition in that he finds comfort and value in the new by relating it to the old tried and true ways of life. He feels that connecting with the Creator is the most effective form of action and advises prayer above other means of communication. The Hierophant depicts someone who is able to see through the superficial and get straight to the heart of the matter. The Hierophant is spiritual by nature and he shies away from religious dogma.

When reversed this card represents superficiality and a lack of moral or spiritual truths. A militaristic or dogmatic attitude, and a reliance on religious law rather then spiritual truths. A person who is rough, rigid, and only sees one path as being the only correct answer.

The Empress represents the emergence of the female archetype within. She suggests using care and love to solve a problem rather then brute force. The Empress shows that raising and nurturing is extremely important in setting a solid structure of support for any situation. The Empress does not demand action but suggests the correct path with subtle nudges and hints from her gentle nature. She is the female creative force and represents love, honor, fertility, womanhood, and the great mother.

When reversed this card represents strong analytical thinking rather then use of a guiding nature. A lack of emotional feeling for others or a lack of connection to the natural mother within.

Like the Chariot card, Justice represents a balance that is needed in order to achieve a fair and justified life. Justice elicits the need to balance wrong with right and night with day. Justice brings the understanding that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and that even though the night may seem to be never-ending, that day will eventually come. Justice also means that overindulging in the pleasures of life can indeed bring unwanted results. One can only indulge so much before they start to gain weight or become physically unhealthy. Justice also represents an analytical means to an end. Justice will weigh each side and come to a fair and just solution according to the laws or rules set forth. While we may base our findings almost solely on our feelings and emotions, Justice remains free of such emotional confines and will always bring a fair and reasonable outcome.

When reversed this card represents being over-emotional, irrational, or biased. It also represents using unfair means to get a desired outcome. An imbalanced lifestyle or a corrupt attitude.

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