[The part in the LJ cut is the fanfic Ballet Steps by rayemars. It was so...fitting. Please excuse the Yami no YuugixAnzuness, and the parts talking about characters. Out of respect to the author, I left it how it originally was.]
First position.
Heels together.
Arms en bas.
Don't forget
to keep your shoulders pressed down.
It's been a long time since I really practiced.
Second position.
Legs apart.
Arms spread.
Don't let the shoulder blades touch.
Don't fake your turnout.
Yugi still looks sad sometimes.
I miss him too.
Third position.
Feet parallel,
one heel in front of the other.
Arms centered above the crown.
Angle your head to the right.
So much happened
in those last weeks
that the teacher dropped me from the class.
I had to start over.
Fourth position.
Feet fully parallel,
several inches between them.
Right arm in demi second
left arm en avante.
Once I dreamed
that we danced a pas de chat together.
I was Aurora.
Fifth position.
Still parallel,
now with feet together.
Arms en haut.
Don't throw off your alignment.
Joey's picking fights again.
Bakura's empty desk
is beginning to look natural.
Neutral position.
I didn't mean to care so much.
Return to second position
But I guess these things happen.
I threw myself into practice.
with feet not turned out, but parallel.
The guys don't understand why I can't be there as often for Yugi.
Arms spread apart again
But I have to prove myself in my new class--
the instructor let me in, despite my absences before.
in a "nicely rounded curve."
We've lost him, but I still have my dream.
That practice is finished.
Take the preparatory position
beside the barre.
Arms en bas.
In all that happened this month, I almost lost it.
The music begins.
They don't understand: just because I'm tough
doesn't mean
that my dream isn't fragile.
I loved him too.
Finally....we're home. I've missed it terribly. My parents are glad for me to be back as well. Apparently, I've missed quite a lot...
My grandparents are here. I haven't seen them in a few years. They keep telling me what a beautiful young woman I've become, and they can't believe that their precious granddaughter is all grown up.
Grown up...
I think I've done a lot of that since the trip to Egypt. It's quite odd...
I don't think I've ever felt so...alone. I'm distancing myself from everyone. I'm being stubborn, selfish, childish...
I guess I haven't completely grown up after all.
But, still...what happened on the trip...it's changed me a lot, I suppose. I don't know to describe it.
Changed for the better...yeah. That works...
I still can't help but kick myself for ever getting involved with...more than one person. QUite a mistake on my part...
Especially when those people all LEAVE you...
I'm so damn confused. I don't know what to do anymore...
I'm tired of feeling this way. I couldn't even manage a genuine SMILE when I saw my grandparents. They're still in town, thank God...maybe I can make it up to them later. I feel terrible about hurting them...
Listen to me..ranting about myself. I guess that's what a journal is FOR, though. But even when talking to people, I've been all...'listen to me and MY problems, damnit.'
And I feel sick and jet-lagged. Argh.
I don't think I mentioned this...I got a letter that told me what I need to do to get into PA (Performing Arts). Even though all I want to do is DANCE, I have to:
Master Elementry Piano
Study Acting
Study as many types of dance as I can find classes for
Study Voice
Study Music
Learn the History of Theater
And some other things I can't be bothered to think about right now.
I need to go lay down for a bit...maybe sleep.
That would be nice...to just sleep for a long time...like Rip Van WInkle did. I wouldn't mind that....much.
And now, before I go to bed...a random survery.
1. What Disney character are you most like, look-wise?
Probably....Snow White
2. What Disney character are you most like, personality-wise?
Belle. Yay books!
3. If you could travel to any Disney "land" (ie. place from a movie) where would it be? Never Never land...
4. In your opinion, what is the best outfit that a Disney character wears? (Does not have to be your fave character)
Belle's yellow ball gown. It OWNZ.
5. Is there a Disney movie you watched over and over as a little kid? Cinderella
6. Is there a Disney movie you watch over and over NOW? Don't watch Disney movies anymore really...
7. In your opinion, which movie is Disney's greatest work? Hmmmm...Beauty and the Beast.
8. How many times have you been to Disneyland? Never...
9. Disney World? Never...
10. What is your fave Disney character of the opposite sex? I like the Beast. And Peter Pan! And Lumerie...
11. What is your favourite sidekick? Hah. Mushu. XD
12. What is your favourite lesser-known character? Flit from Pocahontas and the Tiger from Aladdin.
13. Have you ever dressed up as a Disney character? Yup.
14. If so, which one(s)? Cinderella, Jasmine
15. Have you ever fantasized about actually BEING a Disney character? When I was younger...
16. What is the first Disney movie you ever saw in a theatre? Lion King...I think.
17. What is the first Disney movie that actually frightened you? The Little Mermaid. The sea hag scared the life outta me.
18. Made you cry? The Lion King and Bambi.
19. Which character, in your opinion, has the best singing voice?
Female-Belle. Male-Beast
20. What's your favourite Disney song? "Beauty and the Beast" or "Colors of the Wind".
21. Which song is the most fun to sing along to? "I Just Can't Wait to Be King"
22. Do you openly admit that you are a Disney fan? Yup yup.
23. Which character do you own the most souveniers for? Dunno...
24. What is your favourite Disney quote? I'll gbet back to this one.
25. Which character in Disneyland have you always wanted to meet? None...
26. Who is your favourite evil female? The stepsisters from Cinderella.
27. Favourite evil male? Jafar adn Scar
28. Favourite animal character? Pumba!
I'm going to go lay down now. Possibly cry was well...crying has always made me feel better...