i sit in solemn silence as my sister saunters by...

Jun 06, 2006 00:21

honors night. worst night ever. not only was it boring and hot, but i didnt get anything. i sat the entire time looking on as everyone got recognised for all the wonderful achievements theyve made. and i have nothing to show for the work ive done.no stole. no cords. no plaques.nothing ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

shanandrada June 6 2006, 13:15:23 UTC
I'm so sorry hunny. I don't know where you plan on attending, but they reconfigure your GPA and look at the level of difficulty of your classes and you as a whole person, honest ( ... )


psychodramatic June 6 2006, 13:31:55 UTC
Don't feel bad sweetie. If it makes you feel any better I didn't get shit either. I had a really sucky gpa and look at the college I got into. If you worked hard and managed to survive two AP classes I say that's an acheivment in itself. Even if you didn't get 'noted' for it I'm still proud of you. I could never take two AP classes and live. If anything be proud with yourself for that accomplishment. It is definatley something to be proud of.


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