I love Kara because she makes me happy and I can always talk to her (and she can never be replaced)
I love Erica because she is so much like me and yet nothing like me at the same time
I love Meghan because she is totally awesome and inspires me to be individiual
I love Lawson because she's totally kool and she makes me laugh all the time
I love Meagan the piggy because she is totally awesome to be around and always makes me laugh.
I love Maggie because she has the greatest facial expressions and she always listens to me
I love Melanie because she can calm me down when I'm stressed
I love Patrick because he makes me realize things about myself that no one else can, and he makes me think about life.
I love Julia because she is so down to earth
I love how Whitney squeals in gym when patrick and I make her laugh so hard she cries.
I love Zach because he's funny to be around in spanish class.
I love Chelsea because she's the "wise one"
I love Kristen because she's just as sarcastic as I am
I love Mary beacuse she always comments on my journal and because she is nice to me.
I love Dara beacause she's random and original
I love Evan because he's the coolest short guy I know
I love how Kelly can just be herself and not worry about what other people think
I love how Nick and I can not see each other for days and when we finally do, its like no time had passed. I also love how I can fight with him over stupid things, like politics and worldwide isses, and tell him how much I hate his guts and yet, he still is one of my best friends
yeah so there ya go. I probably forgot alot of people, but it wouldnt matter since not alot of people read my journal anyway. I took this from Meghan, who is awesome and is always starting trends!!
<3 Brittany