
Jul 18, 2015 13:35

Still breathing. Still in HouseMageddon Hell (89% done, says Mr. Boss Contractor Man). Dog's eye still a problem dogdammit--he was perfectly fine until the day before his allegedly final vet visit, when he injured it all over again and went all the way back to square one, and we're all the way back to meds four times a day and vet every two weeks ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

badgermirlacca July 18 2015, 21:00:09 UTC
Additional data re Patreon:

I am sorry about HouseMageddon (although when, finally, It's All Done, I hope you will be very happy with it) and even more sorry about DogsEyePocalypse (why are critters so reliably dumb? Surely they can't really think the Humans are smart enough to deal with *everything*?). May it all come right in the end.

And if you'd like to bludgeon the next person who chirps, "And if it hasn't come right, it isn't the end yet!", here's my virtual club.


dancinghorse July 18 2015, 21:06:30 UTC
Thank you.

That is a useful article. Supports my observations/experience.


editrx July 18 2015, 23:12:12 UTC
I hear some petty good things re Patreon if you know how to fly it. Copperbadge may be someone to ask.

I still owe you earrings. I have strep, a small case of mumps (!!!!!) and bronchitis. Still mostly flat, but I keep hoping tomorrow's the day I can stay upright long enough. For the time period you've waited, you get a second pair, though I have no idea what my brain will come up with.


Patreon starrcat July 18 2015, 23:51:20 UTC
I give a very small amount to various people/things and from what is reported, the small amounts add up. With no perks except for supporting things I believe in.


themis1 July 19 2015, 10:23:31 UTC
If I was in the right country, I'd be there like a shot - if only to see the outcome of all this building work!! I have to confess I would be a nearly zero horse experience person, though. Our neighbour uses our meadow to put his children's ponies out, I go and say hello to them now and again, that's the extent of my knowledge!


sartorias July 19 2015, 14:25:44 UTC
Oh, looking forward to Horse Camp! (Well, I always look forward to it.)

I wonder if there is some way to put a Patreon around your wonderful horse blogs? So you reflect them somewhere besides BVC?


ex_rolanni July 19 2015, 14:56:15 UTC
I wonder if there is some way to put a Patreon around your wonderful horse blogs?This is a good idea. Or perhaps the dog would like to chronicle his adventures for the entertainment of those who are supporting his recovery ( ... )


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