Something strange has happened these past few days. First I realized that the past two years have basically blurred and mostly vanished in my mind, so that when my truck battery died, I was positive it was three years old. It was five, which is reallydamngood for a battery in Arizona. And I'd been sick for a month, so those days mostly blurred out
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Comments 11
Or more accurately, reading my mind again. I'm hoping to come out AZ way in the next twelve months. Will let you know when I want to book camp when it gets closer. Cause I need white horses for the Tarot Apocalyptica... :D
I am so excited. LOL
ETA by way of less late night clarification... Sherwood keeps talking you up, and the camp sounds glorious, but my horse-mad 3-year-old would be offended if I went without her, so I've kind of put it in that mental category of "well, maybe when she's 8 or 10." But I figured it was worth asking if you had any relevant age guidelines/experience.
Maybe an overnight for the first experiment, or dad or a friend comes along to kid-wrangle so mom can have some Camp time? Teacher S has a child's saddle and ample small-kid-teaching experience, though I'd ask her if she has a minimum age/size. Probably 4 or 5? 5 is getting to ready-for-pony-riding age.
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