1. Go
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet
hiskoolrockstar? school
2.~What would you do if you had never met
milell_phasion? there would have been less drama
3.~What do you honestly think of
xxx_unv_me_xxx? whor-ish...and pale
4.~Would or did
_sonofagun and
rosa_helikopter go out? nope
5.~Have you ever liked
thisdisgrace? nah ahh
unite_unite died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? that i love him with all my heart
_spoons and
celebration_day make a good couple? obviously not!
i_make_emos_cry in 3 words: too, much, makeup
9.~Do you think
times_infinity_ is hot? nope
unite_unite and
belovedemo make a lovely couple? haha awe... NOW WAY THOUGH HE'S MINE!
11.~What do you think of when you see
rosa_helikopter? hey, theres tarsha?!?
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
celebration_day: he is wicked violent in his sleep and does wierd shit
13.~Do you know any of
_sonofagun's family members? yeahhh
_sonofagun's favorite color? tan?? haha
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
circular_parade? 10 babay!
16.~What would you do if
richieonfire just professed their undying love for you? i would probably pretend like i couldnt hear him then suddenly have to leave
17.~What language does
_sonofagun speak? english
18.~Who is
green_mind going out with? no clue
smithand_wesson a boy or a girl? hahah im not even that sure anymore...
_you_are_a_cunt and
richieonfire make a good couple? ewwww
21.~Who do you think
polynomials would be great with from this list? no one
22.~When was the last time you talked to
times_infinity_? long time ago
23.~What is
thisdisgrace's favorite band? probably someone dirty like GG
_spoons have any siblings? nope
25.~Would you ever date
_sonofagun? YEAH@@!@!!
26.~Would you ever date
i_make_emos_cry? gross
polynomials single? i dont know
28.~What is
_sonofagun's last name? spooner
29.~What is
_you_are_a_cunt's middle name? seem like it would be rex or something
30~What is
xxx_unv_me_xxx's fantasy? i dotn even want to know
31.~Where does
smithand_wesson live? mattapoisett,ma
32.~Would you make out with
hiskoolrockstar? ewww, i wouldnt now
milell_phasion and
_sonofagun best friends? used to be, muahahhaha
i_make_emos_cry like
_sonofagun? probably
35.~How did you meet
_you_are_a_cunt? at ashleys
times_infinity_ older than you? i dotn think so
belovedemo the sexiest person alive? if not, than close to it
oh yeah,
1. What are you a sucker for concerning the opposite sex? has to have a good sense of style.
2. What makes you want to kill them? COCKYNESS!
3. What's the nicest thing a member of the opposite sex has ever done for you? he does so many, most recent was get a motel for the two of us cause i was really scared sleeping in the car.
4. Describe your ideal partner in five words: jeremy, is, my, ideal, partner.
5. Can you chat up members of the opposite sex easily? i dont know.
1. Do you prefer males or females as friends? well, id prefer females, but i have none and i never have so males.
2. Worst thing a friend could ever do to you? make up lies? i dont get attached enough to care what they do usually.
3. Best thing one has ever done for you? took me out of that house and showed me a good time.
4. Do you act differently with your friends than to your partners? yes, duh. cause when im with a friend all we do is talk about our partners, and your not gonna do that withhhh your partner.
5. Who would you trust out of all of your friends with your biggest secret? ashley spoo
1. If you could change something in your past, what would it be? Nothing.
2. Do you regret things in your past? No regrets.
3. What has happened in the past to make you change your life now? i was a stupid little brat, who thought i was tougher than everyone in the whole world, though i knew about everything, and didnt car about anything except maintaining that reputation. but i grew up fast and yeah, glad thats done.
4. Were you a happy child? i was happy when i was a child. im happy now too, but i look back and realizae how much i never had, first living in brockton, then being homeless and living in the woods in northern NH and then my parents split and remarried people that were very very mean to kids. but everything is good now, wouldnt want it any other way. :-)
1. Are you happy with your love life? very happy
2. What's happening in your life at the moment? This survey is happening. my adorable daddy is having a yard sale so my sister can have more college money. jeremy is leaving in a month so right now we are getting out last hoo rahs in.
3. Would you like to change anything about your life right now? nope
4. What do you hate about your life? nothing at all
5. What are you looking forward to at the moment? im not really looking forward to anything right now. things are gonna change so much so fast im not to sure if its something to look forward too.
1. What do you plan to do with your life? depends. if jeremy and i make it through the nest year while he is away at college than i am moving to philly and going to a beauty school there, if we dont make it through the next year than im satill going to beauty school but i dont know where.
2. Do you plan to get married? yeah i plan on it..
3. What about kids? yeah a couple of them too.
4. Do you plan to move any time soon? next year
5. What profession would you love to go into? i already went through that right up there ^
1. Are you a healthy person? healthy enough. i dont like health nuts, they annoy me.
2. Do you sleep easily? sometimes
3. What is the worst illness you've ever had? flu i guess....
4. Do you work out? haha liek one a year. OH YEAH!!! BUT I JUST GOT A MEMBERSHIP TO THE CLUB! so i will now!
5. Are you happy at the moment? yeahhhh
1. Do you have a job? yes sir.
2. If yes, what do you do? i work in the data management department at a billing company. i review tax codes and review bills to find tax errors that our company might have made. i do other stuff too but i dont really know what it is. i just do it. i work whenever i want to and i make 10 dollars an hour, i love it!
3. Are you well off? yeah
4. Do you throw money away? oh yes. im awful about that
5. What's your bank balance? i have $4.86 in the bank, and its been that way for about 6 years, i just left enbough in it to keep the account open
1. What is your favourite posession? ehhh i dont really have one.
2. Are clothes important to you? yes because, jeez, what the hell else am i supposed to do...
3. Do you collect anything? nope
4. Do you keep old photographs? yeesss, i never throw away a picture
5. Are you a hoarder? maybe, i dont know what that is.
1. What colour are your walls? bright yellow
2. Do you have posters up? no posters
3. What would you change about your living space? i dotn like were my t.v is cause its annoying to lay that way in bed looking at the t.v. but it has to stay there cause otherwise my room has like no walking space.
4. Do you have photographs on your walls? about 200
5. Is your room a mess? a little mess.
1. Do you follow fashion religiously? nope
2. What's your favourite item of clothing? i dont have a favorite
3. Are you constantly changing your image? Nah not really, i just buy what i like.
4. Do all of your outfits colour co-ordinate? i never learned how to match things so what i wear is usually pretty simple.
5. Do you take pride in your appearance? sometimes. ive been getting so many compliments from stangers and friends lately im just like "woowww im pretty damn fancy arent i?!?"
1. Are you lazy? sometimes
2. Would you say you were "well-liked"? i think so.
3. Do you have a short temper? most of the time no.
5. Do you like yourself? yeah
1. Do you like animals? ehhh, some animals. no particulasr kind but sometimes theres a certain dog or fish that is wicked cute or nice so i like it, but im not a big animal person.
2. What is your favourite saying? i dont like having sayings. and i dont like when other people have sayings. cause after the second or third time of saying it. it just sounds stupid.
3. Do you fit in? In a box? yeah.
4. Are you dozy? like sleepy??
5. How do you feel about this quiz? ITS WICKED FUN, EVERYONE SHOULD DO IT!
its late, i just watched forest gump with jeremy