(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 22:42

I have three blisters in weird places on my toes and my fingernails are faintly purple.

Was feeling rather fat today after class, so I decided to go running. Also bored and had been hearing many things about the "evils of running shoes" blahblah lately, so I decided to run barefoot. I am used to having stupid flights of fancy so I called Taka for advice and he told me to run on grass, which was a solid, sensible plan. I ditched it and tried to go running on the dirt trail that leads from outside my building to the 405. Got to skip down the carpeted steps barefoot; a sensory revelation.

Dirt and sand trail was bad plan. Felt like I was running on beestings, but stupidly kept on running down the trail and hit some mud. Mud felt glorious, didn't make me look glorious. Then I hit sand again and it stuck to the mud on my feet and I had to slow down [read: pick rocks out of my feet and hobble along]. Gave up after ~ 400m and crossed the street right onto the soccer field. Smooth concrete was warm from the sun and just a little abrasive. Hard hard hard though, I had to run real lightly to avoid slapping my feet down like a bumpkin. Grass was nice, and I got to run in figure-eights around the army of white tents being put up all over campus. The LA Festival of Books will be on school grounds all this weekend! Should be a blast-- I will see Ray Bradbury and Michael J. Fox give a talk (not at the same talk, obviously) and KRISTEN CHYNOWETH WILL BE THERE. Along with other famous people who I don't know and don't care about. A blast, I say.

Kept running slowly, focusing on form so I didn't slap the ground, so I'd land on the balls of my feet, so I didn't land on gum or staples or glass or motherfucking pinecone bristles that the squirrels pulled loose and scattered everywhere. When I wasn't paying attention to the ground and how everything FELT for the first time and consequently giggling like a little kid, I was looking at other people and whether they noticed the running weirdo coming at them was barefoot. Most people didn't. The few that did either knew me and did the "laugh-and-point" or saw my dirty soles and assumed I was a bum running from the law and got away from me fast. Funny funny reactions. Discovering tactile information through my feet for the first time like this was amazing, made me feel like a little kid again. Kept running on whatever new stuff I could just to know what it felt like. It turns out that the mini bamboo forest inside my building complex has the nicest, coolest, most comfortable dirt out of anything. I could stand there like Sasquatch forever. Checked my feet afterward: no broken skin, but 3 small blisters on strange areas of my toes, so I guess I need to work on my form some more. I think I'll keep doing this.

Also had interview for Student Stroke team tonight at 9 pm (medical strokes, people). Was nervous because I found out that last quarter over 200 people interviewed for 4 spots, and just about all of them were crazy pre-med kids with the grades and the workloads and whatnot. I didn't even expect to get an interview, so tonight was appreciated. Then I walked into the room in full-out business-suit/heels/professionalness and was immediately taken aback. There were 6 interviewers in a semi-dark lecture room seated a few rows away from the front. At the very front under a goddamn spotlight was a single chair. Guess where they motioned for me to sit? 10 minutes of questioning and I could go. As I left, I examined my hands and they had turned slightly purple. Checked my socks and my white shirt and they had also turned purplish. Apparently, this is why you do not buy cheap suits from Macy's.

I really hope I can get onto the Stroke team. Didn't know when I started out but it is apparently prestigious. So I probably won't get in, but oh well. Hope springs eternal. And I still have research, glory glory.

Also karaoke tomorrow with some of my Chinese class and my Chinese teacher and his wife visiting him from Indiana. Am excited for this and slightly terrified. Please don't make me sing in Chinese. Yogurtland afterwards, woohoooo! And a party to get to know Brian's future roommates Saturday night, featuring lots of drinking and falling down giggling.

I have no idea where I'm going to fit homework in this weekend. Have midterm Tuesday, but fuck it, you only live once. Excellent weekend coming up :]

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