May 14, 2004 16:18
Swweet!! I got a free Jim Morrison pin today! YaY!! Sexy Sexy! Oh speaking of sexy Troy came out today!! I can't wait to see it!! YaY!!
May 12, 2004 20:16
well, i'm not going to school tommorow. How bout yous guys?
May 11, 2004 22:43
It started with THE conversation. My eyes began to water. Then tears ran down my cheeks, made their way to my neck, and there a puddle of salting tears sat.
Earl! You know I love you don't you? I do! I REALLY REALLY DO! Don't worry about how things will work from now on. Everything will be great GREAT GREAT!
May 11, 2004 09:32
HELLO! I changed my LiveJournal again...I'm just really bored cuz I have to stay home on account of my eyes not working to good....
May 10, 2004 22:36
MAN! I am just too excited for Harry Potter its scary! The trailer isn't even that good, buTT i can't wait till June 4th!
Anywoo...mother says for me to shut up while she's watching Opera, and Stewy still smells like horse shit...all and all a great day. Besides from that damn bitch at skool. Fucking tard!
May 10, 2004 17:30
I changed my live journal around...what do you think?
May 08, 2004 23:42
The trip wasn't that great...go karts was kewl...
May 07, 2004 16:18
Bye everybody! I'm leaving once again, only this time I'm bringing Earl with me. We're going to Port Angales and we'll be back Saturday night. We're going to go visit my neices and brother. Should be fun...or at least bareable...haha