(no subject)

Feb 19, 2005 11:52

1. Starting Time: 11:24 am 
2. Name: Emily Johnson Amer... Gallant! 
3. Dumbest Friend: Chantal Fowler!
4. Longest Friend: Julie
5. Funniest Friend(s): everyone's funny.. specially lunch time.. 
6. Smartest Friend: ... i have stupid friends!
7. Loudest friend: Chantal Fowler indefinatly!
8. Shyest Friend: c'est moi
9. Boring person: nobody is boring with us!
10. Who Do u Get Advice From: ...probably Jess
11. Height : 5'11 or 5'12"
12. Righty / Lefty : Righty tighty!
13. Eye color: brownish greenish without contacts, green with 
14. shoe size: 10
15  shoe Brand(s): Converse All-Star Chuck Taylor's bitches! 
16. Do u Crack any Body Parts : only all
17. Pets: Fuzz my kitty!!! 
18. Birthday: May 19... Now I don't understand why people put the year they were born in here. I mean, they're asking for your birthDAY, not year. Unless the year repeats itself... 
19. E-mail: takeawaymysoul@hotmail.com or emily.amer@gmail.com
20. Boy Friend/Grl Friend: none at the moment
21. Crush: heh...hehe...Everyone knows who that is!
22. Fancied a Teacher: Mr.P! Haha no mr.p was just awesome... pornographic peysar... hehe
24. Lauhed so hard u peed in your pants: almost! at camp one year the counsellors made a skit that made fun of every single camper, and it was so fucking funny, we were all racing for the exits to use the bathroom.
25. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: uhhh do you need to ask?
26. Ran Into a Glass Door: heh...
27. most untrustworthy friend: Well I'm not going to say this here now am I? but people know who it is.
28. hardest friend: me, duh! Have you SEEN my dick?
29. Nicest friend(s): nice? say whaaa??
30. Ran into a parked car: why yes, yes i have. walking too.

******Ladies Fill Out on dudes******
31. Boxers or Briefs : boxers
32. Curly hair or spikey : straight and long
33. Hairy or shaved (chest) : tastefully hairy, if not shaved
34. Six-pack or Muscular : muscumalar
35. Body or Personality: personality
36. Sporty or Outdoorsy: does it mean that i have to be sporty or outdoorsy too? cause if so - neither!
37. Good Guy/ Bad Guy: little mixture
38. Light Hair/ dark hair: whatever suits them
39. Hat/ No Hat : if it suits them
40. Tan or No Tan: ew tan
41. Accent or deep sexy tone: a deep sexy accented voice! 
42. Guitar player or Drummer: guitar cause then they can teach me!
44. Smart or funny: smart AND funny

******Dudes to Fill Out on ladies******
45. Knickers(full bum) or Thong: I like thongs/
46. Tall or Short : definatly tall.
47. Bum or Boobs : are you making me chose?!?!
48. Looks or Personality : personality!
49. Sporty or Outdoorsy : refer to my answer about guys. 
50. Good girl/Bad girl : little bit of both 
51. Mean(suck) Nice(swallow) Show Off(blow bubbles) : the bubbles!!!!! my bubbles..
52. Light Hair/ Dark Hair: whatever suits them
53. Hat/ No Hat : again whatever suits them
54. Tan or No Tan: slight tan? EW TAN
55. Shaved or hair : down there - no hair... hehe it rhymes!!
56. Let you hold her hand in public or her bum: dude both
57. Smart or funny : both
58. Independent or needy(not clingy): little bit of both.

******Which One is Better*****
59. Coke or Pepsi : neither
60. Burger king or McDonalds: neither
61. Cats or Dogs : cats!
62. Coffee or Tea : neither
63. Sour or Sweet : mixture
64. Vanilla or chocolate: mm...chocolate...
65. Phone or MSN : MSN
66. Beach or Mountains : they're both beautiful
67. Ice Hockey or Roller Hockey : ewwwww hockey
68. Peanut Butter or Jelly/Jam : pb and j!
69. Lights on or off: dimmer;)
70. Ocean or Pool: ocean. they're so pretty.
71. Winter or Summer: fall. it's not cold, it's not hot, and my allergies won't bug me

******Your favorite******
72. Food : capaletti
73. Drink: orange juice 
74. Colour : red
75. Person : Umm.. people are nice!
76. Actor(s) : Johnny Depp!
77. Actress('s) : Me!
78. Movie : LOTR Trilogy, Harry Potter, Carrie, Rose Red, Moulin Rouge, Edward Scissor Hands, Blow, Seven, The Crow... the list goes on and on 
79. Animal : horse
80. wtf: shutup shutup SHUTUP!
81. Singer : Amy Lee
82. Band : Evanescence, Nevermore, Death Cab For Cutie, The Postal Service, Remember Maine, Nightwish, Alice Copper, Iced Earth, Motorhead's pretty good, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Demons and Wizards, oh the list goes on.
83. Song : right now - Narcosynthesis by Nevermore, but there's a million others
84. What did u do last nite? Worked and took care of baby
85. favourite Radio Station: HAH radio. I hate radio
86. Place: Hawaii
87. Magazine : Hmm seeing as it's the only one I read - Seventeen

******Random Questions******
88. What would you do with a million dollars: move away from here, and buy all my friends houses right beside my giant mansion.
89. Have you ever been in love: I don't want to say no. But I dunno about yes. So we'll say sort of.
90. When did you last cry : Tuesday night 
91. Define True Love: someone who loves you for who you are, not what you have, and who will be there for you no matter what, and who understands you when you need to be alone, and is there for you when you need to be together
92. Is there anyone special in your life : heh. nope.
93. Do you have any nick names : just Em. and just by Shann. I've out-grown the nicknames.... Oh and Margeret...
94. What makes you happy : being with people who care about me and who I care about and who won't hurt or betray me.
95. Do you write real letters that go through the mail : haha nope
96. Favorite day of the week: saturday or sunday... sunday.
97. Who was the last person you received email from: Jonathon.
98. Bedtime: around 11ish for school days, whenever I finish work and am tired for weekends.
99. finishing time: 11:49 am... I went away for a while.
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