Just now I meant to type "livejournal.com" but typed "liejournal.com" which struck me as funny. This thing is nice as a tool to interact with my friends, but people use it in ways which make me uncomfortable. I like posting my writing and receiving feedback. I like seeing pictures of my friends and their projects- they are like internet postcards. I don't like allowing people I don't fully trust to read my personal business (hence the screened entries), and I don't like that unfriendsing them is taken as a personal affront. I don't like that sometimes the only way for me to find out how a friend is doing is through livejournal, or that the only thing keeping a person from exiting my life is LJ. I want to eliminate LJ as a primary means of communicating with the people I care about, because the ones who really matter deserve more attention than that. Lately reading everyone's entries has felt more like voyeurism, less like keeping in touch. Speaking of...:
If you want to stay in touch or get to know each other better, write to me or give me a call. Send me an email for my mailing address (the PO box is almost dead). If you're not interested in staying in touch, what harm will unfriendsing me do? I move to Portland by March 20th.