Title: Super Junior, no more
Genre: ANGST, Mystery
Rating: PG-15
Length: [8/?]
Pairing: Eunhae, Kyumin, (ex)Hanchul, (ex)KangSung,
Summary: Post deaths makes Kibum wonder who he really could trust. One confirmation leads to another. A chain effect of events that leave Kibum wary of their safety. Someone close is out there to get them.
A/N: Another weak filler chapter. Hope you guys don't mind it. Definately not the best quality~ anyhow comments are <3. Next chapter will have another character death so keep your eyes peeled for that <3333
The police locked the scene, putting up the yellow do not cross tape across the door, and scurried the members away. Sungmin helped put Sunny onto Kyuhyun’s shoulders as they left the apartment.
Siwon held onto Yuri and Sooyoung as they refused to leave their magnae’s side, before Donghae and Yesung physically pushed them out.
Investigators pulled them in pairs and recorded what they saw as the forensic science people examined the bodies.
Kibum sat at the corner of the hallway, trying to block out the chaos around him as he recalled the events.
Sungmin and Sunny came in, lots of commotion. Eunhyuk came out and… we were happy and eating.
Beside Kibum, a few paces down, were Sooyoung and Siwon. A few steps down was Sungmin, Yuri and Donghae trying to wake up the unconscious Sunny. Eunhyuk was shuddering beside Sungmin, his body shaking as he kept his head in between his legs.
Lunch… we were all eating and nothing happened. Think Kibum think.
“Could it have been an allergic reaction? Or food poisoning maybe?” Hankyung pointed out to the investigators as he scribbled down words on his note pad. “We were all eating lunch together…”
“Lemonade, they drank the lemonade that Siwon and Ryeowook made.” Kyuhyun said rather loudly to the investigator as Siwon looked up. The investigator arched an eyebrow and demanded to know which boy was mentioned.
Siwon got up, simultaneously brushing off Sooyoung’s persistent hand on his sleeve, and headed over to the police man. Ryeowook did the same as he left Yesung’s side.
Lemonade, they drank the lemonade, that’s right.
Kibum smiled to himself. Things were finally making sense and maybe they had found the people behind all of this. Maybe it was Ryeowook and Siwon who had committed the murders. Kibum took a long stare at both of them.
Siwon, a rich well mannered boy. There was hardly anything negative to say about this man. His religion was the one thing he cherished most, even moreso then Super Junior as a group. There was no way Siwon could commit such a sin.
And Ryeowook, the eternal magnae of the group. His boyish face was stained with tears.
Then again looks could be deceiving. Ryeowook might not be all that innocent. Siwon could be pulling a huge show about his religion and love for God.
“I drank it too.” Yuri stood up and blurted out loud, “I’m okay.” She jumped up and down on the spot to show that she was still capable of moving. She punched her stomach three times before Yesung jolted up and grabbed her hand before she actually drew blood.
That’s true… Yuri drank it. Hell I did too, last night.
Suddenly things didn’t add up again. Kibum snuck half a glass from the jug after dinner last night because of the spicy hotpot that Ryeowook had prepared for dinner. He still remembered the spicy crab and shrimp stew that added so much flavour to their already delicious kimchi fried rice.
Bummie think damnit think. Stop thinking about food.
Kibum recalled as Seohyun pushed her glass away during the Sunny fiasco because of all the commotion, and it was only later when she took a drink. Yet at the same time Yuri had drank the same liquid.
Seohyun. Shidong. Yuri.
Kibum closed his eyes as the investigators continued talking with Yuri, Ryeowook and Siwon.
“Well we were sitting down at the kitchen table, Sooyoung, Siwon, Yesung and me. I finished the drink very fast because I came straight from dance practice.” Yuri repeated the details to the police.
“Ryeowook and I were cooking in the kitchen.” Hankyung continued, “Sungmin and Sunny were outside.”
“Donghae hyung and Kibum hyung were on the sofa, with Kyuhyun and Seohyun…”
“We think we’re on to something!!” Someone yelled from inside the dorm as everyone perked up. One of the forensic people came out, “Traces of cyanide were found in three glasses, judging by the faint yellow colouring, it should have been the lemonade. Judging from the post effects of the two bodies, the likely cause of death should have been cyanide poisoning.”
We already know that, tell us something we didn’t know. Stop wasting our time.
Time. The pieces fit together. Yuri had finished her drink fast. Seohyun had not.
Kibum wasn’t sure about Shindong, but he was certain that Yuri had finished it fast because Siwon told her that he made it.
The ice. The poison was in the ice. Time. The ice melted and the poison mixed with the drink. It makes sense now.
Kibum gulped. Indeed things made sense, yet the confirmation of this event merely confirmed another one of Kibum’s suspicion, a chain effect, a suspicion he wished was not true. The person behind all of this had a real motive this time. He was out for us. Kibum scanned the hallway, feeling guilty for not trusting his band mates, his fellow workers for their company, unconsciously his eyes landed on Eunhyuk. He hadn’t moved, he remained motionless and still for the past half hour, looking silently in between his legs.
Hae had told him stuff about Eunhyuk and him; maybe he was admiring himself down there… Kibum shuddered at the thought. He didn’t want to imagine Eunhyuk admiring himself, or Eunhyuk’s large member claimed by Hae, or what Hae and Eunhyuk do at night.
Not now Bummie.
“But I had it and I’m fine.” Yuri protested as she was ushered away by an officer as a paramedic took her, insisting that she needed a check up in case anything happens. Yesung accompanied her, telling Yuri that things would be okay, as the two went down the elevator despite Yuri’s loud protest that she had to stay with Sooyoung and Sunny.
~*~*~* Eunhyuk ~*~*~*~
Fuck. Fuck the world. Why the fuck does these things keep happening.
Eunhyuk casted a long glance at Donghae, who was with Sungmin and Yuri. The trio were huddling over Sunny.
Hae… you’re my best friend…
His eyes wandered up and down the boy as his face twitched with concern. Sunny was still unconscious and Sungmin had began tearing up. Donghae was trying to calm down Sungmin and Yuri at the same time.
Hae… how can I tell you… I know you will hate me…
Eunhyuk vaguely heard Hankyung and Kyuhyun talking beside him as they spewed information to the police. Nothing else mattered right now to Eunhyuk. They could investigate all they want.
Because I’m lying to you.
His mind continued running wild as Ryeowook and Siwon walked past him. Siwon held onto his cross necklace the whole time.
You told me you hate people lying to you, people that don’t tell you the truth.
His erratic behavior had been because he was so indecisive. He couldn’t even face his friend anymore. He had lost his appetite and his stomach always felt queasy, making him constantly want to throw up.
I should tell you the truth.
“SUNNY. Sunny ah.” Donghae screamed as Sunny had opened her eyes groggily.
“Sunny… Sunny can you hear me?” Sungmin pleaded as he grabbed her hands and felt her forehead.
“Seohyun. Magnae. Where is she?” Sunny bolted up as Sooyoung darted to her side and held her shoulders. Sunny turned around and glared at her. “Where is magnae, and Yuri. Where are they?”
“Unnie…” Sooyoung started weeping as she crashed into the wall.
“Choi Sooyoung, answer me.” Sunny flared her nostrils angrily, even though her eyes conveyed sadness beyond imaginable for the bubbly girl.
“Miss we need to take you to the hospital.” A paramedic rushed over while they carried out a dark green bag from the dorm. Encased in the body bag was Seohyun. They all felt it.
Sunny lunged at the woman as Sungmin held her down, Sunny’s small frame exploding, her short arms flying in all directions as she elbowed Sungmin in the jaw. “Where are they… please tell me…”
“Miss, you have to come with me.” Two men dressed in white took Sunny away with Sungmin following her, trying to keep Sunny from losing her temper and breaking things inside the ambulance.