“Sungmin ah... Kyuhyun and them got in an accident.”
At that instant, everything slowed to a halt.
“Sungmin? Sungmin ah.” Hankyung cried louder into the phone.
At that instant, everything fell silent.
“Answer hyung, Sungmin!!”
At that instant, everything turned dark.
Sungmin walked over to Kyuhyun’s desk solemnly, each step tugging heavily on his heart. His finger traced the contours of his book collection, going up and down the heights of the book slowly.
Sungmin began picking at the scattered pens on his desk, capping the ones left forgotten, arranging them slowly into neat piles. Sungmin’s delicate fingers ran up and down Kyuhyun’s favourite pen, a dark blue ink pen, one of his many presents from his parents. Sungmin gripped the pen lightly in his hand and began writing on a piece of paper, the ink from the pen flowing gracefully as it translated beautifully onto the piece of paper.
Kyuhyun ah… It’s Sungmin hyung… are you okay?
Sungmin casted the pen aside and began organizing Kyuhyun’s stack of computer game disks. He didn’t understand why Kyuhyun was so absorbed in these games. Sungmin held up a disk and read the name.
Sta… Starcraftt.
Sungmin placed the disk gently on top of the others and neatly placed them beside his laptop. He grazed his finger over his treasured laptop, his fingers lingering preciously over each key.
Kyuhyun ah…
For some reason, Sungmin felt a connection, as if their fingertips touched as he stroked each letter slowly. He reached out and tried grabbing the hand, but the only thing he got was the loud tapping sound of mashing the keyboard.
Kyuhyun ah… will you be okay?