buzzinthetreezzz (7:29:46 PM): how come mine are always gay?
Leftovergrace74 (7:30:00 PM): hahahah oh wow that was orrible
Leftovergrace74 (7:30:05 PM): oh god i take it back
buzzinthetreezzz (7:30:15 PM): hahahahaaahahahahahaha
Leftovergrace74 (7:30:26 PM): hahahaha
Leftovergrace74 (7:30:31 PM): im going to hell
buzzinthetreezzz (7:30:49 PM): yeah... but so am i so we will have a friend down there
Leftovergrace74 (7:31:08 PM): ok good
Leftovergrace74 (7:31:14 PM): lets chill in the devils house
Leftovergrace74 (7:31:15 PM): haha
Leftovergrace74 (7:31:18 PM): wow losers.
buzzinthetreezzz (7:31:23 PM): hahahaha
buzzinthetreezzz (7:31:23 PM): ok
Leftovergrace74 (7:31:25 PM): we really r going to hell way out
buzzinthetreezzz (7:31:44 PM): at least we can wear red and let fire blow out of our tails
Leftovergrace74 (7:32:10 PM): ya and at least we can say fuck and not feel bad
buzzinthetreezzz (7:32:15 PM): hahah eyah
buzzinthetreezzz (7:32:37 PM): and we can talk about people all we want and say black jokes and not get in trouble
Leftovergrace74 (7:33:08 PM): ya i know and ppl will be like "go to hell!" and we will say "umm ok...oh wait we r!"
buzzinthetreezzz (7:33:18 PM): hahahhaa
buzzinthetreezzz (7:33:28 PM): man... im kinda looking foward to it
Leftovergrace74 (7:33:49 PM): hahah hmm...ya we r pure evil hahah
buzzinthetreezzz (7:33:58 PM): hahah ayessss
buzzinthetreezzz (7:34:12 PM): ahaha this talk needs to go in our profile
Leftovergrace74 (7:34:27 PM): haha ok deal
Leftovergrace74 (7:34:33 PM): lets say something really bad about hell..
buzzinthetreezzz (7:34:36 PM): ok
buzzinthetreezzz (7:34:54 PM): wanna know why i am looking foward to hell?
Leftovergrace74 (7:35:01 PM): im glad we decided our fates cassie..hell.. sounds good
Leftovergrace74 (7:35:03 PM): why?
buzzinthetreezzz (7:35:42 PM): because all of the smoke and red and black... i mean it makes life good and everyone down there says fuck and casts spells on people like maren
Leftovergrace74 (7:36:08 PM): ya.. and we can kill people
buzzinthetreezzz (7:36:18 PM): yeah... especciall ones that have made us sad
Leftovergrace74 (7:36:25 PM): it wont matter becuase we have already condomed ourselves.
Leftovergrace74 (7:36:36 PM): oh all of the guys on earth
buzzinthetreezzz (7:36:39 PM): yeah.
Leftovergrace74 (7:37:06 PM): hmm i can see it now ...our names in lights "please welcome to hell..Brittney and Cassie..."
Leftovergrace74 (7:37:10 PM): amazin
buzzinthetreezzz (7:37:28 PM): hahah yeah... and we will be satins daughters
buzzinthetreezzz (7:37:46 PM): and attract people who we like to come to hell and experience the smoke and fame
Leftovergrace74 (7:37:50 PM): and he will love us as if we were his own
buzzinthetreezzz (7:38:01 PM): yeah...
Leftovergrace74 (7:38:02 PM): oh satian
Leftovergrace74 (7:38:06 PM): how i love thee
buzzinthetreezzz (7:38:10 PM): he is too great for life
Leftovergrace74 (7:38:14 PM): wow i think we r getting carried away.
buzzinthetreezzz (7:38:15 PM): lets just go to hell now
buzzinthetreezzz (7:38:16 PM): hahaha
buzzinthetreezzz (7:38:17 PM): me too
buzzinthetreezzz (7:38:22 PM): ok we are done with hell talk
Leftovergrace74 (7:38:25 PM): haha ok...ya god...ur cool.