last day of swimming yo :) heres a survey cuz uh i have no life lmao
3. Location: bethpage
4. Where else have u lived: brooklyn
5. School/mascot/colors: bhs/eagle/blue nd gold
6. Zodiac sign: leo
7. Shoe size: 8 1/2
8. Height: 5’5
9. Eyes: blueish greenish
10. Pets: nah
11. Siblings: colby
12. Your mom and dads name: leslie nd mitchell
13. Hair color: brown
14. Hair length: medium
15. Ever dyed your hair? nope
18. Are you good in school? semi
20. Nicknames: allie, alex nd other things i dont feel like remebering rite now
24. Are you a night or a morning person? nite
25. Are you ticklish? veryyy
26. do you believe in God? yeah
27. What's your screen name? xdancer22ox
28. have braces? nah
29. have glasses? yea
30. have a nose ring?no
31. What do you want to be when you grow up? broadway star
33. what was the most embarassing day of your life? idk i dont get embarassed easily, well not very embarassed neway haha
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
37. What are you most scared of? death, rejection, lonliness, fire, bugs, mr corea, school, watching the divers, the elevator by the bhs pool, yeah thats too much rite there neway
39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? oy
41. If you could be anything without consequences, what would u be? have sex haha .. call me a slut but its true!
42. Movie: sixteen candles
44. Band/Group/Artist: maroon 5/yellowcard/tbs
45. Store: a&f, hollister, ae
46. Relative: jess nd andrew<3
47. Sport: im not athletic
48. Vacation spot: up ur ass nd to the left ;)
49. Ice cream flavor: cookies nd cream
50. Fruit: grapes
51. Candy: hershys cookies nd cream
52. Car: uh one that goes
53. Class: musical theater
54. Holiday: my birthday
55. Day of the week: fri nd sat
56. Color: pink, black, nd orange
57. Magazine: cosmo girl, ym, seventeen
58. Name for a girl: cassandra, hannah, sara
59. Name for a boy: jake, jay, tai
60. Sports team: gb packers ;) yeah random but im a daddys girl biotch
61: Month: july
68. Animal: tiger
75. Room in your house: mine
76. Concert you have been to: maroon 5 nd john mayer<3
80. Meat: chicken
81. Pizza topping: cheesseee
82. State: new york
83. City: nyc<3
90. Feeling: love<3
91. College: juliard<3 its a dream but a mucho strech since only 8% of applicants get in lol
92. Number: 22 nd 8
93. Book: idk w.e
97. Cereal: frosted mini wheats
in the past 24 hours have you
152. Had a serious talk? nah
153. Hugged someone? yeah
154. Fought with a friend? yeah
155. Cried? yeah
156. Laughed? yeah
157. Made someone laugh? yeah
158. Bought something? yeah
159. Flirted with someone? i dont think so
160. Felt stupid? i always do ;)
161. Talked to someone you love? not in person or nething
162. Missed someone? yea
have you ever
163. Done drugs? no
164. Eaten an entire box of oreos? nope
165. Been dumped? yep
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you? yea
169. Stayed home on saturday night, just because?: yeah
170. Been in love? yeahh
171. Seen the white house? not in person
172. Seen the eiffel tower? not in person
174. Drank alcohol? yeah
176. Played monopoly? yepp
179. Kissed someone? yep
182. Tried a weight loss program? no
183. Jumped on a trampoline? yes
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? yeah
186. Had a bubble bath? yeah
187. Been on a plane? yep
188. Been on a boat? yea
189. Been on a train? yea
190. Been in a car accident? no
192. Made a web page? yea
193. Played with legos? yea
194. Stayed up all night? yeahh
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? yes
196. Broken a bone? nah
197. Called a physchic or sex hotline? nah
198. Watched jerry springer? yeah
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? dUh this is me we're talking about here
200. Been afraid of the dark? no
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? nope
202. Had stitches? no
203. Dumped someone and regretted it? yeah
204. Went out with more than one person at a time? haha no
205. Lied? yeah
206. Been arrested? no
207. Fallen asleep in class? yea
208. Used food for something other than to eat? YES
209. Met a celebrity? yea
210. Broken the law? probally
211. Skipped class? no
212. Hated yourself? hmm
213. Been brokenhearted? yeh
214. Broken someone's heart? i hope not
215. Wanted to kill someone? not rele
216. Fallen off a chair? yea
217. Lap danced? HAHA hells yea
218. Been in a fist fight? yea
do you....
220. Like to give hugs? yeah
221. Like to walk in the rain? i like do dance in the rain ;)
222. Sleep with or without clothes on? hmm i vary from time to time
223. Prefer black or blue pens? blue
224. Dress up on halloween? sure
225. Have a job? nah
227. Like someone? yea
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? side
231. Have a goldfish? nope
232. Ever have the falling dream? haha yea
233. Have stuffed animals?yeah
234. Like to give anal sex to animals? uh no thanks ;]
235. Do you believe in the horoscopes: YES MUCHONESS<33
236. Do you like your handwriting: not really
238. What superhero would you like to be: super duper dee duper allie :D
239. Do you have any piercings: yeah
240. Any tattoos: nopee
243. Are you picky: ohh yeaahhh haha
255. What makes you mad: me lol
247. Who do you admire: kerry butler nd idina menzel
248. Do you like cartoons: yes
251. What did you do today: went to school. went into town. had a swim meet.
254. Are your parents annoying: very
255. Do you own a miniskirt: yeah
256. Do you floss: sometimes
257. What is the farthest your have traveled: aruba
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: w/e my mommy buys
261. Do you use big words to sound smart: haha yes and i sound stupid nd then make up my own words
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: yes
266. Ever worn black nail polish: yes for halloween in 7th grade ;)
268. How many sheets are on your bed: 1
269. Whats under your bed: everything
270. Do you have your own tv and vcr: no
272. Do you see dead people: noooo
273. Are you a good speller: no wayy
276. Do you like little kids: yes very much :)
277. Are you talented: not rele lmao
280. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: no
282. Ever seen a ghost: no
285. Abortion: not for me thank you
288. Eating disorders: i tried that, it didnt work, so i sed fuck this shit i eat what i want when i want, which isnt all that often anyway, but its not cause im not hungry its just i can never remeber to eat, strange huh?
289. Rap: why not
291. Suicide: nopee
295. Piercings: yeah sure
296. Make-up: too much is gross .. unless ur in a preformance of course then u gotta or no1 will see ur face haha
297. Drinking: why not
this or that
396. Pierced nose or tongue? nose
397. Be serious or funny? funny
398. Single or taken? taken
401. Mtv or vh1? mtv
402. 7th heaven or dawson's creek? 7th heaven
403. Sugar or salt? sugar
404. Silver or gold? silver
405. Tongue or belly button ring? belly button
406. Chocolate or flowers : both :)
408. Color or black-and-white photos? both
409. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
410. M&m's or skittles? m&ms
411. Rap or rock? rock
412. Stay up late or sleep in? both
415. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? tall..taller than me neway
416. Sun or moon? sun
417. What time is it? 8.38 pm
418. Diamond or ruby? diamond
419. Left or right? right
423. Cat or dog? w/e
425. Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
426. Newspaper or magazine? magazine
427. Spring or fall? spring
443. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? lifetime of friendship
432. Happy or sad? happy
435. Sneakers or sandals? sandals
437. Blondes or brunettes? brunettes
440. Duct tape or scotch? scotch
443. Pepsi or coke? pepsi
444. Nike or adidas? adidas
449. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: hmmm
450. ; )
451. What is the biggest turn off: ppl who are full of themselves, not a little cocky where its cute but like self obsessed, u know the type, ne good looking guy at bhs pretty much haha, nd even some of the ugly ones, oh and rude people
452. What is the biggest turn on: singers, nd tans, and guys who love to be an asshole with me HOLLERR
454. Do you think there is a person for everyone: yes
455. If yes, do you know who yours is: i sure hope so
458. Do you believe in love at first sight: no
459. Have you ever been in love: yes
460. What do you think love is: love is that feeling that when you get it you just no and just one smile from that person can brighten you're whole day. its trusting this person nd them trusting you. its the grestest friendship there ever was. its being able to just sit with this person nd not say nething. its a relationship where its not all about making out but u can just hang out too
470. Do you think it lasts forever: yea
471. Do you want to get married: yeah
472. How many times: once is nice
474. When was your first kiss?: 14 years old
501. First grade teacher's name: mrs roberts
502. Last word you said: idk?
503. Last song you sang: defying gravity
504. Last meal you ate: mcdonalds
505. Favorite childhood cartoon: chuckie<3
506. What did you hate most about school: homework
507. Last person you flipped off: hmm.
508. Last song stuck in your head: idk
510. Last time you were burned: idk
512. Last time you bled: this morning
514. What's in your cd player: a mix
515. What color sox are you wearing: none
516. What's under your bed: too much
517. What's the weather like: cold
519. What time did you wake up today: 6
521. Who do you want to marry: yeah
522. Are you going to college: yeah
523. If so, how long do you want to go: um 4 years
257. How many kids do you want: 2
528. Kids names girls: cassandra or hannah
529. Kids names boys: jay or tyler