My second VVC! In which I did many things and hugged many people and watched many vids and drank EVERYTHING. I'm not going to try to name people from dinner and such, but if I had lunch/dinner with you or we hung out, know that I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Vividcon )
Comments 23
1. The only RP vids I know of are either J2/CWRPS (aka my fandom) or extremely famous (aka everyone's already seen 'em, possibly in the VTPTE show in 2008)
2. Most RP vids are hellishly, freakishly bad.
3. You have two of my favorite RP vids! Can we do a show with two of your own vids?!?!!
4. I can't count.
This isn't a "no"; it's more of a "tell me more what you had in mind/get me past my issues" request. Feel free to email!
2. I've got a list of 14, none of them mine! But, um, 3 of them might be Fabella's.
3. No Luv Song. Everyone who wants to see that has seen it, and no one else would have a clue what's happening.
4. Coin-Operated Booooooy
Yeah, we have time. Just wanted to throw that out before I forgot. :)
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Yay FUUUUUN. Oh how I remember the scarring and yet mesmerising badfic of last year... I must have been sober by then because it is BURNED in my brain, *g*.
River Song!
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