Club Vivid vid: Give It Away (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes)

Aug 11, 2012 10:06

Club Vivid 2012 Premiere
Title: Give It Away
Source: Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Length: 3:08
Summary: Assemble and stuff

**Please note that this is a vid for the animated series, not the live-action movie. Wouldn't want to get your hopes up for Renner arms and then disappoint.

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Comments 24

bradcpu August 11 2012, 15:00:30 UTC
I screamed so hard during this at the show! Wonderful motion all through, and clever lyric ties as always.


danegen August 16 2012, 18:14:31 UTC
Hee! It was fun hearing people singing along to it at CVV. Thanks, Brad!


thingswithwings August 11 2012, 15:18:43 UTC
Yay for an EMH vid! I was so happy to see this, and the vid made me giggle aloud several times. TEAM!


danegen August 16 2012, 18:15:02 UTC
Thanks, I'm so glad it worked for you!


counteragent August 11 2012, 15:39:29 UTC
This was immensely good fun, and showcased the series very well! I like how much personality the vid had and te characters within it---didn't feel anonymous like some action vids can.


danegen August 16 2012, 18:16:38 UTC
So glad you liked it, and thanks for the rec! *smooshes*


settiai August 11 2012, 18:22:12 UTC
*flails at you*

Oh, this vid. ♥


danegen August 16 2012, 18:18:21 UTC
Hee, thank you!


calvinahobbes August 11 2012, 18:40:45 UTC
Yaaaay, EMH! So great! I loved ALL the parts of this, but perhaps the BW/HE parts a little bit most, but also how there was copious Hulk in it :D And the pacing was just perfect.


danegen August 16 2012, 18:19:20 UTC
Thank you! I wish I'd had more Widow to work with when I was making it.


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