Dear Festividder

Oct 14, 2012 12:38

Hi festividder! I'm so curious what we matched on. Was it Jeremy Renner? Cheerleaders? Zombie babies? I can't wait to find out. I already love you and your potential vid to pieces.

I'm sure I'll like whatever you do, but here's some explanation of where I'm coming from with my requests:

The Lost Boys
The Coreys plus vampire!Kiefer--how could you go wrong? Well, I suppose you could go wrong by leaving out Nanook. But I'm sure you wouldn't do that.

The People Under the Stairs
Okay, I know that this is total crack now, but when I was 12, this movie seemed to be making a Really Important point about social issues.


Anyway, enjoy vidding little Rayanne Graff and the guy in the gimp suit.

Dawn of the Dead (2004)
I adore this movie, especially Sarah Polley as Ana, but I'd be fine with either a serious vid or a cracky one.

So Close
Yeah, the story is kinda weak, but it's a fabulous action movie in which all the major characters are women. It needs all the vids.

The Unusuals
I'd be happy with anything as long as it didn't involve shipping Shraeger/Walsh. They are such awesome bros, and that's what I love about them.

Freaks & Geeks
I don't understand why there aren't 1000 Kim Kelly vids. *shakes head*

Fired Up!
So I'm mainly requesting this to see if anyone else agrees with me that this movie came about when some J2 fic writer was assigned to write an exploitative cheerleader movie.

*cough* I mean, cheerleaders! Fun!

Wolverine & the X-Men
I love the Charles-centric Days of Future Past storyline, Mags ruling Genosha, two Dominos!!, Emma actually being British, SENTINELS.

Feel free to ignore all that and do what you want. I'm not your boss.

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festivids, vidding, zombies, x-men, movies

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