it's deviliscious, it's debauchery, it's delurvely, (it's done?)

Aug 30, 2004 00:11

well here she is folks another update is upon all three of ye who read this rambling piece of what the crapness. as per usual there is other stuff you could be doing like... starting a revolution! it doesn't have to be throw a molotov cocktail at your alderman revolution, it could be fashion, or cultural, or art. hell it could be a gardening ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

blowjorbllama September 1 2004, 18:51:58 UTC
i never comment :/ .. anywho!

i wuz just saying... for juob hunting tons of new thingers are opening in reading (down the street from my hous... the chili's unt a richardson's branch (i wanna work there gadamm) jordans and home despot).. so if you're looking for a job still, they are in need of hirees.. good luckers


thankyous a billion danfromwork September 7 2004, 22:28:49 UTC
dude thanks i dunno if i recieved this too late but we shall try them places thanks again and hopefully this will lead to mo money and less problems.


heya Dandy lovelymuffie September 14 2004, 10:59:40 UTC
Hi Dan! Man I should have listened to you, college is SO over-rated...the classes, the people, the lifestyle...Art History does rock ever so much, though. I'm transferring out next year. I'm gonna go to UMass Boston.


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