Title: Operation: Rescue Quinn Fabray
dangercwParing: Quinn and Rachel.
Other Characters: Kurt, Finn, Santana, Puck, Baby Drizzle.
Rating: PG-13, to be safe.
Length: 3,216
Spoilers: Up to 1.13
Summary: Written for this
prompt. Quinn gets sent to straight camp and all she needs is for her Prince Charming to hurry up and save her.
Quinn Fabray did not want to be here at The Source for the summer instead of at home in Lima. She wanted to be spending days out in the sun with Rachel and nights with the rest of the Gleeks, enjoying each other's company and sharing in laughs and smiles. Instead, here she was, dressed in a plain white shirt and matching shorts, sitting in a circle with six other young teenagers like herself while some overly enthusiastic Jesus freak telling her that her homosexuality could be cured. There was two other girls and three boys in the group with her
Honestly, the thought of anyone "curing" Quinn's gayness was ridiciulious because there was nothing on this earth that could possibly make her stop loving Rachel Berry. The whole entire relationship had unfolded before Quinn had a chance to stop it. She had gotten knocked up by one Noah Puckerman, lied to Mr. Finn Hudson and after having the big secret revealed to Finn, she was living with Rachel Freaking Berry. And somehow, between pregnancy hormones and repressed feelings, there was a kiss. And then more kissing. And sex, lots of sex. And just like that, suddenly everything Quinn had doubted made sense again. She had been made to love Rachel Berry. The pregnancy thing made sense after being with Rachel because between them as a couple, and both Finn and Puck stepping up to the plate, they could handle little Devon Penelope Hannah Fabray. Despite having three different names to go by, Drizzle still won out in the end, even having Quinn conceeding once Rachel started calling the girl Drizzle.
Rachel. That was what had gotten her sent to this No mo' homo halfway house. Well it had been Quinn's darling mother Judy catching them in Quinn's room after school one day and they may have been able to recover if Rachel's shirt was not clear across the room. And if Rachel didn't scream so loud all the damn time. Quinn's focus came back to the group as Donovan continued on and on with his speech. The blonde Cheerio had only been there for a few hours and already, the depression was sitting in. Here was this man, telling this group of teenagers that they could get freedom from there sexual sins through Jesus Christ, all they need was prayers, counseling and in three months time, they would all be straight again. Honestly, Quinn would taken getting kicked out of the house again. It didn't matter because Mr. and Mr. Berry would of welcomed both herself and Drizzle back in with open arms but there was more at risk if she didn't go. As much as Quinn hated to admit it, she still needed her parents to help support her because the Berrys' should not have to take care of both her and her daughter. The only light in all of this was Drizzle was safely tucked away from her parents, living with Puck (which actually meant he got her once or two and Rachel had her all the time) and all Quinn needed to do was get through three months.
"So Quinn," Donovan said catching the blonde's attention with his annoyingly upbeat voice, "You've had hetrosexual relationships before. I saw that you're a teenage mother. Did you resort to homosexual expressions to dull your pain of heartbreak?"
"What?" Quinn snapped, her face twisting in confusion as the rest of the group turned to her in awe. "No. I have homosexual relations because I'm in love with a girl."
"But you must of been feeling something for a boy to have become pregnant Quinn."
"Yeah, it's called too many wine coolers and I was feeling fat that day."
Donovan was silent as he studied Quinn and scribbled away in her file, making notes like difficult and abrasive. She would take extensive work to break free from these homosexual urges and Exodus International were just the people to help. And if need be, there was also a child that Donovan could use against Quinn, raising her child in a world of sin, ashamed of her mother's actions, already born out of wedlock, the list just went on and on. Closing the file quickly, Donovan flashed a smile at his young group, "Alright that's enough for tonight. I will see you all nice and early for our morning prayers."
Just minutes later, Quinn was in the small room she was sharing with the two other girls, her few belongs sitting on one of the beds and for the first time, the overwhelming emptiness hit her. She missed Rachel and Drizzle. She had never gone more than a weekend without either but this was the first she didn't have either one of them there with her.
"I'm Tinsley." One of the girls said, sitting down on the bed across from Quinn. She had long curly brown hair and piercing green eyes, pretty in her own right but no Rachel Berry, "This is the third time I've been sent to a conversion theraphy camp."
"Wow, I'm, I'm sorry." Quinn said softly as her eyes welled up.
"It gets easier. I know the program and the steps so I prepare myself to counter them."
"Is it awful?"
Tinsley was silent as her gaze left Quinn's, thinking back to her own experiences in the ex-gay camps. She didn't want to lie and leave Quinn unprepared so instead she inhaled and nodded quickly, "It is at first. They'll bombard you with sin and guilt and hell but don't let them break you."
"How do I do that?" Quinn asked foolishly. She had always considered herself a strong woman, well unless there were wine cooler's or Rachel's lips involved, but Tinsley's words set fear into her, fear that she'd hate herself, hate Rachel, be disgusted by what they had done and were doing.
"Do you have a girlfriend waiting for you on the outside?" Tinsley asked leaning back on her bed with a smile on her lips.
Quinn nodded and smiled briefly, Rachel's face dancing across her mind, "Yeah her name's Rachel. She's incredible and so loving and she's like a second mother to Drizzle."
The brunette sat up again and leaned forward, the smile that had once been on her lips fading as she looked at Quinn, "Then hold onto her with all you have Quinn. When they start to break you, think of her and decided if she's worth holding out for." Tinsley gave Quinn one last look before swinging her legs onto the bed and turning over, shutting off the light.
That was the first night that Quinn cried herself to sleep. It also wasn't the last.
"It's a sin Quinn." Donovan told her in their intensive one on one threapy, "What you are doing is a sin and it's driving yourself from God. Your parents told me you used to be a good Christian. That you use to love Christ with all your heart. How could you do this to Him Quinn?"
The blonde knew what he was doing and it wasn't going to work, it couldn't work. She chewed nervously on the inside of her lip as the tears just fell, listening as he went on and on about how Quinn had failed Christ by being gay, how it was even worse because Rachel was a Jew and it was her people who killed her Jesus.
"What about your baby Quinn?" Donovan went on, leaning forward to look into her eyes, "Haven't you shamed her enough by concieving her out of wedlock? Do you really want her to suffer because of your choices? The children will pick on her because of what you do."
The days had started to blur for Quinn by now, each threapy worse than the last.
The message was clear now though. She was to burn in hell, her daughter was to be shamed and she deserved nothing good in life. It was becoming too much for Quinn and had it not been for Tinsley, she would of broken long ago. The other girl who had been there had left when her girlfriend had driven through the gates and rescued her. One of the boys ran with her and it only left four of them in the group.
Quinn hated this place more than she imagined possible. All Donovan did was use her daughter against her and fill her with shame. Really, Quinn didn't mean to screw up so badly but she would do anything to fix it.
"Quinn, let's pray." Donovan said moving to kneel in front of her, taking her hands in his on. "Oh Heavenly Father, hear our desperate plea. Take this demon that inhabits Your child. Help guide her towards a life of healthy living, free of same sex desires. Oh, Father, please."
That was the first moment that Quinn felt herself break and fold. Maybe this was the only way to go about things, maybe giving up being gay would work. She wouldn't feel guilty about how much of a sinner she was and she could really work towards a good life. Maybe Finn would take her back since Puck was a Jew and that wouldn't work out either.
Donovan saw the break and knew he had gotten somewhere. As the two finished their session for the day, the group gathered, the tears still on Quinn's face which Tinsley saw. If it wasn't for the no touching rule, Tinsley would of pulled Quinn into a hug right then and there.
"I have exciting news guys." Donovan said smiling, "We're finally ready to intergrate with the rest of the camp. You have all made such progress that it's time for us to come with the big group."
It didn't take long for Quinn and Tinsley to move their few belongs into a bigger lodge styled room with the rest of the camp. There were 13 of them in the one room, each with their own horror stories of being in there and yet making progress. It broke Quinn's heart on so many levels because her love for Rachel didn't just go away. It just wouldn't work out, it couldn't. Quinn needed to be straight again.
"How are you doing?" Tinsley finally asked as the two walked around the tennis court again. It was a free hour before prayers and threapy resumed. The red in Quinn's eyes had become permanent from the crazy amount of tears she shed on a daily basis but still, she said nothing to Tinsley but shuffled her feet along.
"Don't give in Quinn."
The scoff escaped her lips quickly, "I'm not you Tinsley. I haven't done this before and Donovan makes good points. I shame my daughter and I shame God by being with Rachel. It's not right."
"Yet you still cry yourself to sleep and mutter Rachel all the time." Quinn lifted her eyes and glared at Tinsley, who just shrugged and continued the walk, "It is right Quinn."
"No. It's wrong to love another woman Tinsley. How can you not belive that?" Quinn shot back at her friend. The nights were just the two of them, discussing every little detail of their lives. Tinsley was a Catholic whose father was involved in politics and having a gay daughter didn't sit well with votes. Her girlfriend had been waiting for her each time that she had been shipped off to these places and from what Quinn understood, they finally had enough money saved for Tinsley to file for emancipation.
"I don't believe it's wrong because it can't be. Not with you and Rachel." She said, folding her arms across her chest. "Your love sounds like Anna and I's love. And that's real love Quinn."
"You still won't tell me how it's not wrong."
"Love comes from God right Quinn?" Tinsley said glancing at the shorter blonde, "So if you love Rachel, really love Rachel, then it's from God. So if you turn your back on love, then aren't you turning your back on God?"
Quinn said nothing as the words sank into her. Love from God. Was that what it was, love from God? There wasn't a person on earth who could love Quinn like Rachel so had she been a gift from God? It was something that Quinn was going to have to think about it. As she stopped walking, a few tears fell causing Tinsley to stop as well. Suddenly, Quinn leaned in, wrapping her arms around Tinsley and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" came the high pitched chirp of a familiar voice. Quinn practically shoved Tinsley off and spun around, really believing what she had just heard to be a joke. It wasn't though because Kurt Hummel stood in front of her, dressed in the same white outfit as she was.
That would be shocking enough if he wasn't also flanked by Santana and Rachel, with Finn standing right behind them. All dressed in white and all smiling. It took a second for Quinn to figure things out, that this wasn't a dream but it was actually happening and it took only blinks for Quinn to be running into Rachel.
Inhaling the familiar scent of strawberries, new tears came as Quinn held onto Rachel for dear life, burying her face into the shorter girl's neck as she sobbed, "You're here. You're really here."
It was Kurt's clearing of his throat that pulled Quinn out of Rachel, her eyes still wide in shock as her heart started to slow just a little, "What are you guys doing here?" She asked, her arm tight around Rachel's waist, just to ensure she wasn't going anywhere.
"We're rescuing you." Finn said smiling as he look around the wide open camp area. Quinn's mind couldn't comprehend any of it and so she just looked at Rachel, hoping for answers.
"What Finn said." Rachel said, squeezing the blonde a little, "We've come to rescue you."
"And start a revolt." Kurt added with a bored sigh.
"Look maybe we should get out of the open before we inform Q of the plan." Santana said, her arms folded across her chest, "And whose this?" Her eyes moving back to Tinsley.
"She's my roommate." Quinn said as she too remembered of Tinsley, "T this is Santana, Kurt and Finn. And this is Rachel." She said, looking back to the singer in her arms.
Before anymore pleasantries were exchanged, Santana started heading off towards an empty cabin, everyone following suit after her. Shutting the cabin door as she was the last in, Quinn turned and looked at her friends who had just infiltrated a conversion camp. Well they did sort of belong, since all but Finn were gay and even then, he did have gay tendencies.
"How long have you guys been here? And what the hell are you doing here?" Quinn asked, feeling overwhelmed and sitting down. Rachel joined her, rubbing the small of her back soothingly.
"We're here to save you." Kurt said with another sigh, "We've been working on this all summer."
"Has it really been that long?" Quinn asked, looking at Rachel who just nodded sadly.
"You missed Drizzle crawling for the first time. That's when I knew we need to come and save you."
Tears came again at the thought of the little girl growing and all anyone could do was nod sadly.
"Anyway, we'll be busting you out of here come nightfall." Kurt said as he examined his nails, "Since we're driving my SUV, I naturally had to come along. Santana here is the muscle while we are using Finn as the eye candy since every man who works here is gay anyway. We just need to wait for Puck's signal."
"You brought Puck along too?" Quinn asked slightly confused. She could follow the reasons for them being there but Puck?
"Yeah," Finn said with a grin, "He's got the most important job."
"You trusted Puck with the most important job?"
Kurt rolled his eyes at Finn but nodded at Quinn anyway, "Yes he's the only one who can use his smoldering good looks the right way. Well besides Santana I mean."
"So where is he?" Quinn asked noting the absence of her baby daddy.
"Probably meeting the rest of the conselors." Rachel added in, her hand still on Quinn, "He's posing as a youth ex-gay volunteer so he can steal the key to the main gate."
Quinn shot from her seat and looked at the four of them if they had actually lost their minds, "You have Puck posing as an ex-gay whose in the company of a ton of people who use Jesus to cure gays? The same Puck who thought Jesus Christ was someone of the football team because Tanaka yelled it so often?"
"Finn was too dumb to do it." Kurt explained folding his arms, "But stop trying to find holes in the plan Quinn. Get your stuff together. We don't have much time."
For a second, Quinn expected to wake up and realize that this was a dream, that her fellow Gleeks had not busted into the straight camp just to bust her out and when everyone just blinked and waited, the smile broke out on Quinn's face. One by one, she pulled them all into hugs, so touched by all they were risking for her. As she pulled away from Finn, Quinn smiled softly and shook her head, wiping her tears from her cheeks, "Thank you guys. So much."
"Yeah, yeah save the waterworks, Puck as the key." Santana said as he looked at the screen on her phone, "Get your stuff and meet us back here pronto."
Quinn turned to Tinsley, her mouth agap as she tried to formulate words. The other girl just waved her hand and smiled at Quinn, "Go. Now. Don't look back and don't think Quinn, just do. I'll go run interference for you." Moving forward, Quinn captured Tinsley in a hug and thanked her again and again before running off towards her room with Rachel, careful to avoid any of the staff that was working. As they got into the room, Quinn started to through things into her bag when she stopped suddenly.
"Wait, Rachel, I can't go." Quinn said looking at her girlfriend, "My parents will cut me off and I don't have way of taking care of myself."
"Quinn, baby, you have me." Rachel said turning to the blonde. Reaching up, Rachel cupped Quinn's cheek in her hand and smiled at her, "You have my dads and Puck and Finn. You have all of Glee behind you. Quinn, you can do this. I need you do this. I can do a lot of things but I can't live without you and I hope you know that."
Licking her lips, Quinn leaned in, pulling Rachel into a heated but briefly kiss before breaking off and nodding. It didn't matter what her parents did because she had something better in a family now. It wasn't wrong to love Rachel like she did and for the first time in her life, Quinn Fabray really believe that she was where she belonged.
Running towards the SUV, hand in hand with Rachel, Quinn never looked back.