Title: Tidal Waves, They Rip Right Through Me
dangercwPairing,Character(s): Finn Hudson and Quinn Fabray
Rating: PG
Word Count:
Spoilers: Up to 1X20 Theatricality
Summary: A missing scene from Theatricality between Finn and Quinn.
Author's Note:
ipickquinn asked me for a Finn/Quinn fic and I was screaming at my television for this scene the entire time I
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Comments 3
And I really love the last line. Because I am so baffled how Finn got that Gaga outfit... who helped him make it? He obviously couldn't have done that on his own. XD
Anyway, YAY A+ :D
i love FQ and i want them to start over again...
"i'd love for you to meet her Finn" <3 i really want that to happen too!!!!
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