Title: It's Just You.
dangercwPairing,Character(s): Finn/Quinn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1073
Spoilers: Up to 1.22.
Summary: Finn meets the baby he once thought was his daughter.
Author's Notes: Very, very special thanks go to
grdnofevrythng for being the best beta out there.
She's tiny. )
Comments 4
Especially loved Finn's small smile at her being Baby Fabray instead of Puckerman, Quinn rethinking giving her up as long as she had Finn, and the image of Finn standing there holding his two former girls. So sad, but it makes me so happy at the same time. :)
Oh my goodness. This was so fabulous. I would have loved to seen this moment between them. It's obvious that Finn loved that baby very much and it kills me. ;(
You captured them all so well! Wonderful job :)
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