Okay, okay... I'll do it.

Nov 25, 2003 12:24

1. Empty-headed, flaky Narcissa - Give her a little credit, people.

2. OOC PWPs - Wow, that's a lot of letters. I don't mind PWPs as a general rule, but when the characters are made so OOC that you can't even imagine them ever saying or doing things of that nature, it makes me cringe.

3. Fandom Elitists - This is not the same things as BNFs. You wrote a fanfic. A lot of people like it. This doesn't make you god. Get over yourself.

4. FAKE fanfics that have Japanese words in them - The story takes place in New York. I'm sure you love using the little Japanese you learned, but Dee does not say, "Nani?!?"

5. People who correct spelling/grammar mistakes in reviews - Listen, I don't get a lot of things beta-read. I know what a beta reader is. I just don't care that much. This is for my own entertainment and if I'm posting it on my website, odds are there are going to be some errors. I only go to the trouble of having something beta read when I'm submitting it to somebody else's archive or writing the fic for a competition.

6. When disagreements become personal attacks - So, I disagree with you that Buffy and Spike are forever and ever meant to be in love. If you post a meta-argument to your livejournal, you must be wanting some debate (I would assume). So, I'll argue with you about it - politely. I'm not attacking you personally. Come on.

7. Blair as a cop - Yeah, I know at the end of the series, that's what it looked like would happen. But this is Blair, people. Blair would never go through the Academy. He's an academic. I'm sorry, but at the end of the show, he never said, "yes" - just kinda laughed nervously.

8. My Friends Only Allowed Archives! Nyahhh! - No, it's not an archive. It's a website where you host your friends' fanfic. Do not call it an archive. It raises false hopes that you might actually get your fic posted there, only to have them dashed when they say, "Sorry, we don't accept submissions from pathetic weenies like you." It's even worse when they have names like, "The Ultimate Your-Fandom-Here Archive!" Because it's not.

9. Writing Accents - Okay, there are a few cases where such a thing is necessary - Hagrid, for example. But, if you're writing past-Angelus fic, you don't have to give him an Irish accent. Ditto for Doyle. I can imagine.

10. Gargoyles Fanfic - This one seems pretty general. But have you seen the majority of Gargoyles fanfic out there? It's all original characters, mary sues, blah, blah, blah. There was a lot of empty time in the show itself. Just... stick to canon. Please.

On a less happy note, I weighed myself this morning.

90 pounds.


I'm 5'8". I eat about six meals a day. I count calories to make sure I'm getting enough. I don't exercise. I've cut gluten out of my diet.

What the hell is wrong with me?!?!?
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