So a while back,
mmmusings tagged me for this meme, which
fabu reminded me I need to do.
Here's the pewp: Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.
Below the cut, then, are my Sixteen Things.
- I can whistle through my left eardrum, courtesy of a minor dispute over Newton's Laws Of Motion with a moving Buick.
- I read Moby Dick once per year, but I only read the chapters about whales every other year.
- I have a Weakness for jalapeno cheese straws, which I would devour all day long if I could.
- If I could move to Belize and live on a beach there without having to worry about supporting myself, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
- The same for Wales.
- I would like to be a comic writer, but not as my only means of support.
- One day, I plan to write a movie script about Jack "King" Kirby and Emperor Norton saving the Earth from alien invaders. This is a better plot than anything in the last 2 seasons of Stargate: Atlantis.
- I like guns, but not for other people, who I don't trust with them. Come to think of it, I don't really trust myself with one.
- I am frequently struck by the fact that my grandchildren will probably not understand a single thing about how I lived as a child.
- I collect books by kooks, because there's something about hardcore lunacy that I find fascinating. I prefer books about Templars and "vanished" civilizations. Pole shifts are kind of fun to ponder.
- I plan to shave my head when my bald spot covers more than 25% of my scalp.
- I wish I could afford to pay someone else to drive me around, because I hate driving and I really hate car maintenance.
- But not as much as I hate lawn maintenance.
- I don't really understand why, given 12 and 13, I live in a suburb.
- I played piano from age 7 to 11, then played French horn when I was in 8th grade because my mother thought I should be in Band instead of taking art or woodshop like I wanted to. I still hate French horns with a passion because of that.
- The books of Thomas Pynchon bore the ever-loving shit out of me.