Let's Get Going...Thursday AM

Aug 29, 2019 06:05

I'm always struggling with how to start these entries.  I'm not quite sure why, but I think it's part of my anxiety that drives me to want the beginnings to have some sort of meaning.  (Which when I dig into it...it must be the English major in me to want a strong beginning and ending.)

It's been a decent week since Sunday, but pretty uneventful.  Had a birthday Monday, and turned the ever-exciting 33.  With birthdays typically comes the desire to remain in the background, pressure on myself to figure out how many people still remember and message me for my birthday without any social reminders, and the depressing feeling that I'm never sure what my expectations are from people.  It's a big struggle for me most years, and that's why I kind of hide in the background.  I'm pretty sure it stems from my past when it was always kind of a let-down from my past relationships.  (I was let down quite a bit in the past.)  This year my boyfriend had to work over the weekend, so I went to my parents for a nice dinner on Sunday night.  That night I woke up at midnight with a migraine that overtook my whole day.  Monday I went to work and sat through our typical depressing sales meeting (that typically lasts between 2.5-3.5 hours) and then realized I just couldn't take it.   The migraine at that point was pretty close to gone, but it was lingering and just waiting for it's chance to rear it's ugly head again.  I went home and slept from roughly noon to 4:30pm.  My boyfriend made it home relatively early so we went to a nice dinner down the street where we could just share some appetizers and chat about a couple projects we are working on, etc.  Then Tuesday I left to drive to MI for work and a couple of customer visits with my team.  The visits went well and left us with some To Do Lists (which I love).

I'm excited to head in today, and I'm grateful for the enjoyment I get out of clearing out my inbox at work.  I do tend to still find enjoyment from getting back to customers and fixing their problems.  I'm also interviewing someone for a new position that we posted for, so this should be fun.

Thank you for all the recent friend adds!  I look forward to continuing to build the network on here, and reading all of your stories.  There are so many people on here that go through anxiety, so it's nice to know sometimes that you're not alone!  Here's to a happy Thursday!  Maybe I'll head into work even earlier than usual and get a head start.

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