nothing really happened today except i went to dance.. started the small group. and worked on our gymnastics dance then worked on our production dance. funn stuff there.
but i am going to leave one thing out because i dont think it is nessacary to put in here and if you wanna know.. just ask and maybe i will tell you. ;)
its all my fault. i should have said no. i should have not opened the door. i should have done alot of things. but i didnt. i am really dumb.
i am sorry for everything. i am sorry for everything i have done to people. i am sorry for lieing sometimes. i am sorry for alot of things. but sorry isnt good enough... for anything. at least i tried. =\
have you noticed everybody just changed? not like physically but like personality wise? i have chnaged i know that. and i know alot of people that have too. its kinda scary. i hate it. but you just have to go with the flow. whatever happens just happens. =\
New Years Pictures Comming soon. I have some but trisha is going to scan some from her camera so i will have some next update and some in an other update. =)