(no subject)

Sep 03, 2010 13:15

Chapter 3

Broken Marionette

~~the same night before Jinki’s & Kibum’s accident~~

(this is from Minho’s side)

‘Sigh...I’m bored. I’ll take a walk for a while.’Minho grabbed his wallet and handphone and went out from his house. He was doing nothing this whole day except eating, take a bath, or watching TV. Sometimes he missed his college. Even though there will be many assignments which he hates, but he can play basket with some of his friends. And more importantly, he can meet Kibum. He never admits he has something for Kibum. He just said that Kibum IS good looking and there’s something about Kibum which attracted him. But that’s it, no more. Everytime Jonghyun asks him about Kibum, Minho always says they’re just classmate and they’re not even a close friend. Well, either Kibum or Minho never say anything more than some “hello”, “how are you”, “have you done your assignment”, “see you again”, and some other basic conversation. Minho knew that Kibum is in a relationship with Jinki, his senior. He knew Jinki from Jonghyun and Jinki once had saved him from a trouble. From Minho’s point of view, Jinki is really a nice and kind person. A little too naive and innocent, but he is smart.

Minho went to a convenience store. He bought some crackers, biscuits, cokes, and some sweets. He never worried about gaining any weight. He goes to gym and doing some exercise everyday. Everyone can see the result from his muscular arms and legs, or broad and firm chest, which every boy envious and every girl likes it. After he paid all of those snacks, he jogged a little on way back home. He slowed down his walk when his phone started to ringing. The caller ID showed ‘Siwon hyung’, one and only his older brother.

“Siwon hyung?”Minho picked up the phone, “It’s kinda rare you called me this late.”

“I’m your brother. I can’t call you in the middle of night? Anyway, how are you?”

“Fine.”after Minho said that, there is a long silence between them, nor Minho or Siwon said anything. “That’s it? You called me just to ask that?”

“No. Something happened. I just want to make sure you alright.”

“What? What happened, hyung?”Minho sensed something bad from his brother’s serious tone.

“I got a mysterious letter addressed to father. It is a threat letter saying that they will get their revenge. I don’t know who this ‘they’ is but I’m trying to investigate this either.”said Siwon.

Their family owns a big and known company which has many branch companies on each city. The president was their own father and Siwon worked as the vice president. His job was to checking and filtering all letters and paper works before it delivered to their father.

“Geez, he has too many enemies. Hyung, you should succeed him quickly.”Minho only can sigh. This is the fifth time their father got a threat letter. The first one came from a man who got fired suddenly without any proper explanation about the firing reason. The second one came from a group of people who wants to stop their father’s projects. They said it polluted their village. The other two came from some investors who felt got tricked by their father and lost much money. Minho knew that his father was doing business with some dirty and dark way. Siwon has been preventing his father to do it again since he became a vice president. He is also the one who will clean up those threats. Of course in better way than their father did. That’s why Minho believed that if Siwon succeed their father, the company will work in clean way.

“Don’t say that, Minho. He is still our father. Anyway, why don’t you help me in the office?”

“No, thanks. I don’t like that kind of job, hyung. For now.”Minho kept talking to his brother. When he wanted to cross the road, he was sure the lamp was green it’s okay for him to cross, so he kept walking. But suddenly, a big truck in high speed came to his way. Not slowing down despite the lamp was red for the car. Everything was like in a slow motion for Minho. He saw the blinding light from the truck and realized that if he didn’t move away, he will get hit by the truck for sure. Minho dropped his snacks and jumped backward quickly. Thanks to his athletic body. The truck was smashing his snacks while Minho was safe, crouching down on the street still holding his phone. Siwon heard the truck’s noise from the other side.

“Minho, what is that noise?”

“A truck almost hit me just now.”Minho stood up calmly and talked to Siwon again.

“What?! Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. It kept speeding up even though the lamp was red. Stupid driver.”Minho walked closer to his smashed snacks, “Ah, why did I let go the snacks.....”

Just a few minutes after that, Minho heard a loud sound from where the truck has gone. It’s like a crashing sound. Siwon who was still on the phone heard it too.

“Now what is that?”

“I don’t know. I’ll call you later, hyung.”Minho hang up the phone and run to the crash site, or that’s what he thought. He thought that the previous truck must have crashed into something. But when he got there, the only thing he saw was an upside down car with so many pieces of glass shattered everywhere. The truck was nowhere to be seen. Then, 2 people crawling out from that car. The first thing Minho thought, he should called the ambulance. He pressed the emergency number and asked for the ambulances. Yup, he asked for 2 ambulances. After that he walked to the 2 people who were laying down on the ground. When he got closer, he recognized both of them, Jinki, his senior, and Kibum, his classmate.

“Oh my God, Jinki hyung, are you ok? I already called ambulances, please hang on.”Minho crouched down near Jinki. He saw there are so many both small and big pieces of glass pierced Jinki’s back. His arms full with scratches, bruises, and cuts. He glanced to Kibum whose eyes still closed. He felt a little relieved there’s no serious injuries on Kibum.

“How is Kibum?”unconsciously, his eyes were turned softer when he looking to Kibum. He didn’t realize that Jinki saw his expression. Suddenly, Jinki started to coughing blood and panting hardly. Minho looked panic seeing Jinki vomiting blood. He hugged Jinki and laid him on his lap. Jinki’s blood was soaking his shirt and pants, but he didn’t care.

“Hyung, hang on. The ambulances will be here, please hang on.”Minho didn’t know what to do right now. He can only hope that Jinki can hang on until the ambulances came. But Jinki reached out his hand and held Minho’s head, pulling it close to him.

“Take care..............of Kibum.”Jinki whispered.

“Hyung, don’t say that. Please stay alive.”

“I want to, Minho. I want. I don’t want to die like this.”Jinki sobbed a little. He can feel his tears flowing down to his cheek.

“Hyung.............”Minho couldn’t say anything to comfort Jinki. It was too sad to saw him like this. Lots of blood dripping to the ground from all his wound. He was panting hard, struggling to take a breath. And now he was tearing up. Minho wanted to help Jinki, but he wasn’t a doctor. There’s nothing he could do except waiting for the ambulances.

“I-I don’t want leave Key like this. Not now. I.........”Jinki’s hand fell, he closed his eyes and his body going limp on Minho’s lap. There are some Jinki’s blood stain on Minho’s hair and left cheek.

“Hyung?”Minho checked Jinki’s pulse and there’s only silence he can feel from Jinki’s warm body, “No, no, no. Hyung! Wake up!”

Minho kept calling Jinki loudly, but there’s no response from Jinki. Because of Minho’s voice, Kibum started to awakened. He was groaning and stirring around. Minho saw Kibum trying to push his body up.

“Kibum, are you alright?”Minho asked slowsly, still hugging Jinki’s body. Kibum saw Minho was looking to him with worried eyes. But the one that took his attention was Jinki laying limp on Minho’s lap. Kibum crawled closer to them and touched Jinki’s hand.

“Onew, are you alright?”

“Kibum, Onew hyung is......”Minho paused his words. He was worried that Kibum will be very broken if he knew that Jinki has died.

“What? What wrong with him?”Kibum asked innocently to Minho and went back patting Jinki’s hand softly, “Onew, wake up.”

Minho laid Jinki’s body down and held Kibum’s hand, stopping him from patting Jinki. It is going to broke Kibum, but Minho still should tell him about this. Kibum just confused with Minho’s action. Minho took a deep breath before he said it to Kibum.

“Kibum, Jinki hyung has gone.”after Minho said that. Kibum’s eyes widened and he must feels so shocked about it. Kibum didn’t say anything before he finally yanked his hand from Minho and held Jinki’s hand again.

“No, Minho. Stop it. Your joke is not funny.”

“Kibum, why would I joke about someone’s life? Most importantly, Jinki hyung’s life.”Minho grabbed Kibum’s hand again and pressed it to Jinki’s left chest, “His heart has stopped beating.”

Kibum can’t feel anything from Jinki’s body, nor his body moved up and down from breathing. His vision was starting to blurry from all his tears. He looked closer to Jinki and begging him to come back. Slowly, his whispers were turned to scream. It was the most sad voice Minho ever heard. Kibum held Jinki’s hand and touched his pale cheek. Minho noticed something rolling down from Kibum and fell near his legs. It was a small white box and pink ribbon which stained with small red thing on it. He picked it up. It seems Kibum didn’t realize he fell his present.

And then, Kibum fell down near Jinki’s body, unconscious. Minho moved closer to Kibum and hugged him. His face was wet from all those tears, some are still flowing down from his eyes.

“Sorry, I can’t do anything.”Minho hugged Kibum tightly and waiting for the ambulances to come. Luckily, 2 ambulances came not long after that. One carried Jinki and the other one carried Kibum. Minho went together with the ambulance which carried Kibum. When they reaced the hospital, Kibum and Jinki were brought to the emergency room. It didn’t take long for the doctor to come out from the room. The doctor said Kibum didn’t have serious injuries. But Jinki has gone even before he was brought to the hospital. The doctor asked Minho to contact their family. He didn’t know how to contact either Jinki’s or Kibum’s family. So he contacted the college instead and told them about the accident. The college will contact both families. Then Minho’s job is done. But he felt he can’t just leave like this. Not with Kibum still unconscious and broke down like this. He walked to the morgue where the doctor kept Jinki’s body. Minho stood next to Jinki. He saw Jinki looked pale than ever. They already cleaned him from the pieces of glass and the blood.

“Hyung, Kibum will be sad if you’re gone. I’m not you. How can I calm him down if what he wants is you, hyung.”Minho talked to Jinki hoping that Jinki is still alive and will answer him.

“He wants you, not me.”after said that and stayed for a few minutes with Jinki, Minho went out and walked to Kibum’s room. Kibum was still unconscious. Minho sat down in front of his room before suddenly Jonghyun showed up and running closer to him.

“Jonghyun hyung? What are you doing here?”

“Jinki’s parent called me. They said they got call from the college, said Jinki and Kibum got an accident. They can’t come now, they’re in Japan, so they asked me to.”Jonghyun explained it in one breath. Jinki and Jonghyun already knew each other since they were little. They were like best friend. “So, how are Jinki and Kibum?”

Minho told Jonghyun what he saw when he found Jinki and Kibum. Jonghyun was very shocked and sad when he heard Jinki didn’t manage to survive from the crash. He can’t talk anything and just bowing down his head. He didn’t believe that his best friend, his smart and kind friend, has gone. There won’t be any Jinki’s bright smile again. Wait, what about Taemin? Has Taemin knew this? When Jonghyun was thinking in silence with Minho beside him, they heard a scream from Kibum’s room. It was Kibum’s scream. Quickly, they were bursting in and saw Kibum screaming on his bed, awakened. The IV needle was ripped out from his wrist. There are some bandages and plaster on his arms. Kibum was screaming Jinki’s name and denied his death. Minho felt there are some dull aches on his heart seeing Kibum’s state.

“Kibum, stop it.”Minho walked closer to Kibum’s bed.

“No! Onew!!!”

“He won’t come back alive even if you keep shouting like this.”

“No! I don’t want to hear that from you!”

“Kibum! Jinki hyung is dead!”

“No! Stop it! Go away!”Kibum threw the pillow to Minho. Even though it’s not hurt, but the pain, Minho felt it really hurts in his heart.

“Minho, I got this. You can go home.”Jonghyun stepped in and hugged Kibum. Kibum hugged Jonghyun tightly and sobbing on his chest. Minho remembered the small box which he picked up and pulled it out from his pocket.

“This is yours, right? I found it.”he gave the box to Kibum and walked away, “See you later.”

Minho went back home with aches in his heart and heavy steps. Kibum kept crying in Jonghyun’s chest. Jonghyun trying to soothing him by patting Kibum’s back softly.

“It’s okay. Just let it out, Kibum. Cry for today. Then you must promise me you must face tomorrow with your usual self. I want to see The Almighty Key, or The Diva Key. Not this one.”

“But I-I can’t. Onew, he’s...I....”Kibum can’t stop sobbing and hugged Jonghyun even tightly.

“Think about it, Kibum. Do you think Jinki hyung will be happy if you mourn him everyday?”when Jonghyun asked that, Kibum answered him by shaking his head.

“You already know the answer. It’s okay you mourn him for today. But after that, move on, Kibum. I’m sure Jinki hyung will agree with me.”

“Just-just for today.”said Kibum still crying.

“Yes, just today.”Jonghyun patting Kibum’s back again, “It’s okay. You still have me, Taemin, and Minho. You still have us, Kibum.”

Kibum was still crying hard in Jonghyun’s embrace. Jonghyun’s shirt starting to wet and sticking to his chest because Kibum’s tears. After 5 minutes crying, Kibum has calmed down a little. His face was wet with tears, his eyes were so red and swollen from all those crying.

“Are you feeling better?”Jonghyun talked slowly when he heard Kibum was starting to calm down. Kibum stopped hugging Jonghyun and busy nodding his head answering Jonghyun while kept wiping his tears.

“Okay, I will go out for a while to umm..........to see Jinki hyung. Just try to rest, Kibum”Jonghyun went out from Kibum’s room to see Jinki’s body. Kibum saw the present from Jinki which Minho found and he laid it on the table next to his bed. He took the box, untied the ribbon and opened the last present which he got from Jinki. There is a small pink mp3 inside the box and a small card written ‘Happy birthday, Key. Hope you’ll like the present.’. It was Jinki’s hand writing. Kibum turned on the mp3 and plugged the earphone. There’s only one file inside the mp3. When Kibum played it, there is Jinki’s voice started to talking.

Key, happy birthday! I hope you enjoyed all things we did today. And do you like my first present? I bet you like it. It’s from me, there’s no way you won’t like it hehe.....Anyway, it’s been 3 years we’re dating. I will graduate next week and I already got a job. Wait for a while, Key. After I collected enough money and bought my own house or maybe apartment, then we can live together. I will wake up and the first thing I see will be your beautiful face. The last thing I see before I go to sleep will be you face too. And I can eat your delicious cook everyday. Wow, I already can see how fun and happy it will be. Will you live together with me, Key? Ah well, there still long time for that. Think about it slowly. I will always be waiting. Oh, and don’t worry about our parents. I planned to tell my parent first next week, when I graduate. And then, we can tell your parent. If they can’t accept it........................I don’t care. Let’s run away!! Haha....no I’m kidding. We don’t need to run away. I will always be there with you. We will wait together until our parents accept us. Let’s just be patient. Oh right, too much talking I forgot about your present. So, your present special from me.......is this song. I specially wrote the lyric, arrange the music, and sing it for you. There’s only one present like this, Key. You can use and save many songs in this mp3, but please don’t delete this. I will cry if you do it huhu......Okay! This is the song, Your Name.

[Onew] I'm entranced by your long, straight hair
I feel dizzy when you pass me by
Whenever that happens
I want to call out your pretty name
Like this

[Key] Sometimes when you're sad
I don't know your feelings
[Taemin] During then, I kiss you
[Jonghyun] I kiss your small hand
If it makes you feel better
I would do it several times

[All] Call me, my name
Today is exactly your day
I'll do anything for you
I want to give you a small gift
That only I can give to you
I'll run to you now and confess

[Key] Those red lips, those sweet red lips of yours
[Minho] My heart flutters, I tremble more and more
Every time I see you
[Jonghyun] I want to have you
Shall we have a cup of tea together and talk?

[All] I want to play a game
With you the whole day
Don't you know my feelings?
There's definitely only one today
I'm gonna whisper my love to you
Enough to make you happy
And completely surprised

[Minho] A kiss to your small ears
I stop because of one word
Dangling at the edge of your lips
I'll lean on you at the center of the world
And I'll whisper warmly

[Taemin] Our love won't change into
[Key] The appearance of a fountain pen
[Jonghyun] I'll definitely write your feelings down
Hold my my hand
[Onew] I'm still falling in love with you

[All] Call me, my name
Today is exactly your day
I'll do anything for you
I want to give you a small gift
That only I can give to you
I'll run to you now and confess

[All] I want to play a game
With you the whole day
Don't you know my feelings?
There's definitely only one today
I'm gonna whisper my love to you
Enough to make you happy
And completely surprised
([Minho] I love you)

[Onew] I'm gonna whisper to you
[Jonghyun] Call my name, baby
([Onew] Call my name, baby)
[Jonghyun] Today is your day, baby
([Onew] Today is your day. baby)
[Jonghyun] Call my name

Kibum’s tears started to flow down again when he heard Jinki’s message and song. He can only crying while keeps listening to Jinki’s soft voice, singing the song for him. The last present from Jinki for him. Kibum’s eyes were not full of life and bright like usual. It was full of tears and very dull now. His mind was starting to wonder back to the past, where he and Jinki were very happy. Where they first met. Where they were walked together. Where Jinki confessed his feelings to Kibum. Where they were kissing. While his body is stay still not moving in the present time. Where he must face the bitter reality. He was no different than a broken marionette. Without the one who accompany him to play the strings, he won’t be able to move. He can’t continue this life.


A.N: Let's just pretend that Onew sang Your Name ALONE.......
Song lyric credit: kimchi hana @ shineee.net

I'm starting to feel no one read my fic in LJ......
should I stop posting this in here??

shinee, replacement, pairing: minkey, fanfic, yaoi

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