hahaha, what could potentially be the 2nd week of May:
May 7th - kbye! go to Penn State for RAW
- drive 5 hours home at roughly 4AM and take a final at 11. :)
May 11th - kbye! go to ROH in Hartford
May 12th - kbye! go to White Plains for a SD! HouseShow
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Comments 5
I just need to win the lotto, basically, LOL.
Darn lol. Oh well, I'm sure they'll be back. Hopefully for Raw. Not TOO soon after SD tho, cuz I'd like to be able to afford it. Sucks - I don't think we're getting any PPVs. And they're supposed to be starting that all 3 brands on PPV thing. And NOW they don't come here. I still wanna do Cyber Sunday if it comes to DC, but I dunno. Depends on $$ & someone who has a car that is interested in going [I'm still trying].
I wanna go to college, but I dunno right now about that either. It's too expensive & I'm not getting into the financial aid thing right now. Hopefully it works out. I was gonna go get my 90 Hours Certification...to work with kids.
Hey, if you like kids - you could try the job I'm doing. It's nothing you can live off of, but it's extra money. www.kiddiecorp.com - - I'm working with them AGAIN in 2 weeks. :)
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