Challenge #34: Happy Birthday!

Jul 21, 2008 15:06

For this challenge, you are allowed to use pictures of Dan from July 23rd, 2007 to now. There are no provided pictures as you are able to choose your favourite shots of him at age 18. Candids are allowed (i.e. 18th birthday cricket pictures).

-You may submit as many icons as you'd like.
-Text is allowed for this challenge.
-Any brushes, borders, textures, etc. are allowed but please no animation.
-Submissions must fit LJ standards (100x100, under 40k in gif, jpg or png format).
-Icons must be made new for the challenge.
-Icons need to be submitted in this post by Sunday, August 3rd Sunday, July 27th at 11:30 PM
or until the voting goes up.
-Please spread word about the community if you can. =)


Members Entered: 00

entries, challenge #34

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