Day 15 Challenge

Oct 15, 2010 13:51

Title: Push Me, Pull Me
Author: gwenfrewi72
Rating: PG
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Spoilers: None
Summary: Post Prometheus Unbound. Just my idea of what Daniel was thinking/feeling at the end of the show.
Length: 130 according to Word.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I'm just playing with them. This was written for pure entertainment, no money was made from this fic.
Author's Note: This one is for Daniel_vala
Feedback: is shiny and always encouraged, both the good and the bad.
Copyright (c) October 2010 Patricia Flynn

* * * * *

“She’s good.”

Daniel Jackson couldn’t help but be disappointed that Vala was gone, if that was even really her name. She’d challenged him on so many levels; physical, mental and emotional.

Daniel was self aware enough to realize the dichotomy of his only feelings. One part wanted to find out if anything she’d told him was the truth; she’d played on his sympathy like a master violinist, and the other dreaded the notion of crossing swords with her again. She wasn’t to be trusted any farther than she could be thrown. Although, he thought that maybe next time with this knowledge, he would be the one to come out on top.

And maybe someday, if he was really, REALLY lucky, they could find out if the physical chemistry they had could lead to something more.

challenge: 2010 prometheus unbound, *fanfic

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