Thank you! Believe it or not, it is in Buenos Aires! It was a private church that a wealthy family had built in honour to their daughter Felicitas, assasined by a jealous boyfriend...
It's true! I forget sometimes that I even have livejournal! I feel so busy lately, though that is only really true sometimes. I hope all is well with you!
You've got to do an update with some pictures of your Valparaíso trip! Me?I'm fine, nothing new under the term finished, which means I'll be having a couple of finals these following weeks, but I'm not that worried about it (yet). Besides, after December 11th I'll be officially on summer vacations, yay!:D
La verdad es que es muy interesante el análisis porque conjuga muchos lengujaes estilísticos...mezcla una decoración muy del Renacimiento con una bóveda gótica (y pináculos!), y al mismo tiempo, en la fachada se hay arcos de medio punto, tímpanos y semicolumnas corintias...el tema es que se me llega a escapar algo y me muero de vergüenza, porque el profesor sabe mucho, y al mismo tiempo es exigente y muy seco^^' Ay, sí, quiero chusmear ese trabajo!
I'll surf the Internet to see if anyone had the guts and took some pictures of the inside (and uploaded to their flickrs:P) And my presentation was perfect, but my professor was an ass¬¬
Comments 14
The church is pretty, where is it?
Believe it or not, it is in Buenos Aires! It was a private church that a wealthy family had built in honour to their daughter Felicitas, assasined by a jealous boyfriend...
Hey, long time, no see, have you been doing, hun?
Me?I'm fine, nothing new under the term finished, which means I'll be having a couple of finals these following weeks, but I'm not that worried about it (yet). Besides, after December 11th I'll be officially on summer vacations, yay!:D
Debería mandarte pronto el trabajo del cementerio!
Ay, sí, quiero chusmear ese trabajo!
That church is so gorgeous - I wish you were able to take pictures inside too! ^^
And my presentation was perfect, but my professor was an ass¬¬
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