03:29 Work going well so far, keeping busy so time is passing at a decent speed.
#This was awesome. It's been like this all week. Just constantly finding things to do and the time is magically gone. I like going 'oh look it's three am, i'm halfway through my shift.
05:02 What happened to common decency?Just because someone else gets paid to clean messes doesn't mean you should go out of your way to make them
#05:06 I rant because I found garbage three inches from the can. Come on!!!
#This was fucking dumb. I am constantly amazed the the sheer volume of human indecency I see in this job. Cleaning the bathrooms makes this doubly true. How the fuck do you wipe your ass with the inside of the toilet seat? HOW!?
05:11 Speaking of things I found, dead bird in the parking lot. Looked like it's brain exploded out it's eye
#05:15 I had to move the poor thing. It was kinds sad once I got past the initial squick
#I had spent a good portion of time outside sweeping the parking lot (finding things to do here people) and got it looking well. I went to smoke an hour later and almost exploded in rage that someone could defoul my good work so fast. OH NOES DEAD BIRD! what do I do with it? I don't want to touch it because it might make me ill, what do I do. After a few customers pointed it out and I introduced my dilemma I gave in and used the dust pan, but didn't put him in the trash, just moved him to the side of the lot in a grassy area. I thought this was better for some reason. Plus the cat that roams around the area could have made use of it. I recycle!
05:47 Kanye West's recent Twitter business is sensible. He was still a douche, too bad his tunes are decent.
#Seriously, he's a toolbag. no stealing my new word. he's all "i am the greatest thing to happen to this world since MLK, Obama is second only because he can't flow like me or some shit." But i wouldn't want someone impersonating me on twitter either, it makes the real celebs who tweet look less authentic or something.
22:09 thus far, waking up to an email saying dollhouse was renewed is the highlight of my misrable night
bit.ly/5e8dH #this tweet is self explanatory - so much awesome. but it led to me following
Eliza Dushku on twitter. (oh look a celebrity on twitter)
22:48 I'm at IGA Express Shell #875 -
bkite.com/07w2j #hey guess what it's near 11pm, I am at work... ¬¬
00:08 @
usagiko I know Utada... She had an iTunes song of the week that was awesome. Don't think I've heard anything else
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